Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Wednesday, December 9, 2015
In the great outdoors...beautiful, bright sunshine, and lovely spring-like temperatures. Yes, I’m ready for real cold, but we probably won’t get many days of these lovely temps combined with beautiful sunshine when spring rolls around. So I might as well enjoy them fully now, even if I would rather have a cold December!
Within our four walls...quiet. Well, except for the running of the dishwasher and the dryer. Thankful for both!
A heart of thanksgiving...for healthy kids; for conveniences; for a tornado siren that has only had to be used for testing purposes since we’ve lived here; for the flexibility of homeschooling.
A heart of prayer...I start the list, and it just keeps growing! Praying for so much. Salvations for multiple loved ones; our churches; our family as we seek the best schedule and routine for us; the Choates as they seek timing wisdom and financial provision for their return to the Solomons.
Random observations...I realized this morning that my children consider homeschooling a given. It’s all they know. Steven was playing with Legos, using a measuring tape and math to consider how many “dots” he has. He came and told me, “When I teach my children math, I’m going to use Legos.”
I love that they love homeschooling! But, I also want to begin instilling in them the reality that obedience to God’s leadership is more important than which educational choice we make.
My silly middle child...always has a project in her hand. And, right now, that pretty much means a Christmas present. She creates right in front of us, and we all KNOW she’s working on gifts. But, she does it in such a manner that we never have a clue what she’s actually working on, and it’s always a surprise. She’s so much fun!
Thoughts from the kitchen...I love my rice cooker. I know it’s a convenience and a luxury. And I know rice is easy to cook. But, I just love being able to turn it on and not worry about it. And I love the texture we end up with. And, it can be used for other things, too – even “baking”! Yes, I really love my rice cooker.
On my bookshelf...the newest Julie Klassen and Elizabeth Camden books – ah, the joys of being a reviewer! Now to exercise self-control!
Projects...sorting pictures now; a bit of sewing and knitting; much fewer homemade gifts this year, but still a few. The kids like them, and I enjoy making them.
Sounds of the moment...the aforementioned dishwasher and dryer.
From Hibbard Academy...a light schedule this week and next week, while still keeping up with the curriculum such that we won’t be pushing further into the summer. But, we don’t have to do EVERY assignment.
A favorite thing from last week...last week? What did we even do last week? Oh yes!!! Family pictures!! Our precious friend Tiffany met us and took family pictures on Saturday. Here’s a sneak peak: SpeakLight Hibbard Family album
It was so good to see her, and also fun to just laugh, relax, and goof off for an afternoon (and she still managed to get good pictures in the midst of all our goofiness!).
The planner...Our days this week are mostly normal – school (light schedule), working on tasks and Christmas prep, and work. Last night was our only unplanned evening. Monday night we had AHG and Scouts. Steven’s was a Christmas party, so the girls and headed over there after AHG. Tonight is church. Thursday night we hope to get to go watch some of our Sheridan band members play in their Christmas concert. Friday night is DATE NIGHT!! (YAY!) Saturday we’ll participate in an AHG service project at our host church, then hopefully get to see the Choates for a bit that evening (it’s been two months, and we’re experiencing massive withdrawals!).
Because visuals are fun...I ran across this picture while sorting today. My child excited about a future British lit course. It just makes me chuckle.
Meanwhile, this was Angie’s outfit yesterday. She looked so CUTE!
My girls are growing up…