Happy Birthday, Angela!
Do your children ever just take your breath away? That’s what happened to me as I was sorting through birthday pictures and picking the right ones for this post. I see this precious child every day. But occasionally I stop and really look at her. Yes, she takes my breath away.
Angela’s location of choice for her birthday pictures is so “her,” showing her love for all things historical. She chose the Museum of the Arkansas Grand Prairie. It’s a gem of a place in Stuttgart that we have foolishly delayed visiting for three years. When we walked in and asked if we could take birthday pictures, Ms. Gena and Ms. Nancy were enthusiastically welcoming. Angie felt like the princess that she is.
Yes, she still is quite the princess. But, not the fragile kind. She’s no less princess in farm country than she would be in a palace.
She still loves Hello Kitty, but her two stuffed cows, Cowabella and Alf, are her prize possessions. In fact, she requested a cow birthday this year. Too cute!
I still can’t keep up with this child when it comes to books. But, I love that she’ll read something all grown up like Lord of the Rings, and then turn around and read an Angelina Ballerina picture book. She enjoys Nancy Drew and anything pioneer related, and lately she has discovered a pre-teen Amish fiction series.
She is starting to show an interest in big girl things, but she still plays with dolls…and her little brother…happily. I love the perseverance of the child even as a young lady is beginning to peek out now and then.
Angela is so incredibly smart that I cannot teach her information. But I can teach her how to learn. As a perfectionist, she wants to have it all already known so she can do everything perfectly the first time. She’s learning to learn, though. She’s learning that it’s okay to not know it all. In fact, it’s good.
My princess shows her introverted side more and more. But, she also knows how to handle being around people. When she went away to camp for the first time this summer (yikes!), she never had to withdraw. I love to watch her develop socially, learning to take the personality God gave her and fit it in with the world in which He placed her.
I also delight in seeing her spiritual development. She thinks. She ponders. And every now and then she’ll ask a question. She’s not always very bold about saying what she thinks, but we’re nudging her and encouraging her to talk out her thoughts. To go deeper. To really think. And she’s doing it.
She’s still my snuggly baby girl, even now that she’s in double digits. Even though she can hardly fit in my lap anymore. Even though she’s taller than her big sister was at this age! She’s still my precious baby girl.
Happy birthday, Angela! You are a joy and a delight, and we are so proud to call you ours!