Review: Thick as Thieves
For several years now, I have heard friends rave about Susan Marlow’s books. Last year, I snagged a couple of her Goldtown Adventures books for my son, and sure enough, he thoroughly enjoyed them. So, when I had the chance to review two of her Circle C books, I jumped at on it!
This week’s selection is Thick as Thieves, book one in the Circle C Milestones series. This new series follows Andrea Carter, heroine of the Circle C Adventures series, as she enters her teen years.
Thick as Thieves marks my family’s introduction to Andi Carter, as we have not read any of her earlier adventures. That did not make this book any less enjoyable for us, however. References to earlier experiences and relationships were included in Thick as Thieves, but they were not essential to our understanding or enjoyment of this story.
So, who is this story for? I would gladly recommend Thick as Thieves to a wide variety of ages!
Because Andi Carter is a bit of a tomboy, her stories appeal to both boys and girls – yes, even my princess! Also, as an almost fourteen-year-old, Andi’s age in Thick as Thieves keeps her young enough for elementary readers yet old enough for an early teen audience.
Topical content might be the primary reason for parents of young children to peruse Thick as Thieves before handing it to a child. Set in the late 1800’s, this story deals with a cattle rustling family completely lacking moral values. The youngest, a girl Andi’s age, is a hateful bully, while her alcoholic older brothers are downright abusive. Their treatment of Andi and others might raise questions in the minds of younger children.
My eight-year-old son did read and enjoy this book, even though his tender heart was definitely impacted by the bullying and the cruelty of Macy’s family. But, he was equally impacted by the fact that the love of Christ, shining through one of His children, can make a difference, even in a heart as hard as Macy’s.
Bottom line: If Thick as Thieves is a true representation of Susan Marlow’s writing, the rest of her books will definitely be on our library-building list.
Want to give it a try? Click on the image below to grab the e-book for $0.99 this week only!