Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, May 6, 2015
In the great marks a full week of not just no rain, but abundant sunshine as well! I’m sure it won’t be long before the farmers need the rain again and can’t get it. But, for now, we’re enjoying the fact that the yard is dry and the sun is shining.
Within our four walls...chaos and insanity. Oh wait…that’s just normal life for the Hibbards!
A heart of thanksgiving...for supportive friends and for confidence in God’s plan – even when it’s not a visible path.
A heart of prayer...for one of our youth having surgery tomorrow morning; for our church family; for God’s provision in every detail; for the Choates as they travel from Dallas to AR today. YAY!
Random observations...I think all of my thoughts and observations are random right now. So, does that mean they’re really random, or are they actually normal? In that case, do I really even have random observations. (You might want to just stop reading now before you lose your sanity, too!)
My silly children...are completely silent right now. Should I be concerned?
Thoughts from the Food? No clue.
On my bookshelf...ack! A book I need to review this week! Oh wait…I already wrote that review. Just need to publish it. Whew!
Projects...sorting; organizing; PURGING! We have way too much stuff.
Sounds of the moment...quiet. So much quiet.
From Hibbard will be a “figure out exactly where we are” kind of day. We’ve been pretty sporadic lately. Need to get back on track.
The planner...trip to Little Rock tomorrow for an interview; Boy Scout campout this weekend – since the Girl Scouts will be there, too, our whole family is going so our girls can start earning some of their camping requirements. It’s sneaking up on me, though. I’ve done nothing to prep for this trip. After we get home tomorrow…
Because visuals are fun...we were joking about selfies the other day. We’re NOT selfie people. But, we decided to take one, just to be goofy. I love those sweet faces!