Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In the great outdoors...sunshine and cold. It’s a beautiful combination.

Within our four walls...a fire blazing, children doing chores, and Christmas decorations bringing cheer.

A heart of thanksgiving...for safety on the road to and from Little Rock yesterday, for connection with friends across many, many, many miles, and for the realization that Christmas is still Christmas whether I get everything done or not.

A heart of prayer...for dear friends with both financial and health needs.

Random observations...Doug is doing an online survey about kids and reading. Are we really that odd that we blow the top off most of the “how many books” questions?

Conversation with my sweet daughter...

“I think I missed a lot reading the first half of Philippians today.”

“Want to memorize it with me next year?”

“Sure! The whole thing?”


“Sounds good!”

She didn’t hesitate or even have to think about it. That makes me smile.

Thoughts from the kitchen...Doug made up a banana nut waffle recipe this morning. Yum. Oh, and his potato soup from Sunday is probably going back in the crock pot today for a reheat. It’s a great soup day.

On my bookshelf...Christmas books! I’m enjoying a slow reread through Doug’s A Journey to the Manger (although I’m noticing all of my editing errors in the process!). But I think I might even get a couple of others read – even if it’s over the weekend after Christmas. The Women of Christmas by Liz Curtis Higgs and Tricia Goyer’s Christmas novellas are on the top of the list.

Projects...Christmas calendars, mainly. I did get the last items needed to finish making gifts for the nieces and nephew. It’ll take about five minutes to get the girls’ done, since they’re already sewn. I haven’t started my nephew’s yet, but it’s a quick project so it shouldn’t take more than an hour or so start to finish. I like easy projects!

Sounds of the moment...a theological history podcast Doug is listening to.

From Hibbard Academy...Steven just started a new math book and Angie is finishing hers up (I love being able to let them go at their own pace instead of having to fit into a specific school year!). Steven is in the colonial period in history and finishing up light in science. Angie is studying Asia in history, and Olivia is finishing up the French Revolution.

A favorite thing from last week...listening to the kids play together. I love how they enjoy each other. Yes, they fight. Yes, there are times when they don’t want to be together. But they really do love each other. 

The planner...Monday was meeting day for HEDUA and the Christmas parade in Stuttgart (Doug took Steven but the girls and I stayed home this year), yesterday was ABSC executive board meeting, tonight is church, tomorrow night is a Sunday school Christmas party, and Sunday is our cantata. ‘Tis the season!

Because visuals are fun...getting ready to ride the Cub Scout float in the Christmas parade.

2014-12-08 18.24.32


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