Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, August 15, 2016
In the great outdoors...wet and cool – the rain that has been pounding Louisiana is making its way north to us, although we are not getting nearly as much as they have been. Hopefully, though, that means they are getting relief! It’s awful down there!
Meanwhile, we’re also enjoying a massive cool down, for which I am abundantly thankful! It’s still incredibly humid, so the highs in the 70’s are still sticky and feel several degrees warmer. But, when our highs have been in the mid-90’s with 80-90% humidity that makes it feel like it’s in the 110’s, this feels absolutely incredible!
Within our four walls...much quiet, as I’m completely alone in the house. It’s a stark contrast to this morning’s silliness. Much, much, much silliness. Wow. All I can say is that it’s a good thing our first day of school was two weeks ago – and that we are taking off this week so the kids can spend a few days with Nanny & Papaw. School would be very interesting today otherwise! Haha!
A heart of thanksgiving...for the cooler weather, for rain, and for a new addition to our household (I’ll share pictures soon!).
A heart of prayer...for kids and teachers/faculty as school starts around the state today; for those affected by the flood devastation in south Louisiana; for farmers as, once again, rains start about the time harvest is supposed to be starting. Fortunately, it looks like we’re slated for more here in the central part of the state than our farmer friends in the east are supposed to get.
Random observations...I always know exactly what I’m talking about when writing to-dos in my planner. Unfortunately, a couple of days later, I may or may not remember what my abbreviated instructions actually mean! Week before last, I jotted down a to-do on last Monday’s list. It took me a full week to figure out what I meant. I finally checked that to-do off today!
My silly children...are, as previously mentioned, silly. We’ve had extreme goofiness, a multitude of Princess Bride references while attempting to have our quiet times this morning (hard to read 1 Samuel 5 and 6 without ROUS comments), and a variety of other goofiness. Now, however, they are lavishing their silliness upon grandparents. I’ll miss it for the next few days!
Thoughts from the kitchen...this week we’re using up some of the meats that were mostly used for family meals, but have leftover portions too small for the whole family. Today was steak. The kids were not too pleased about the fact that Mommy and Daddy would be eating steak without them!
On my bookshelf...the same as last week. Reading very slowly these days, but I’m determined to always have one fiction and one non-fiction read going at all times.
Projects...I need to finish up those last little bits of school planning that didn’t get done before we started up two weeks ago. Shouldn’t take long. Meanwhile, it is my determined goal to get back to regularly writing and sewing.
Sounds of the moment...crickets, an occasional bark, and the whir of the ceiling fan.
From Hibbard Academy...a week off while the kiddos have a late summer visit with my parents.
A favorite thing from last week...celebrating Steven!
The planner...with the kids gone, I’m mostly at home this week. Doug has a meeting this evening, so he’ll be out for a couple of more hours. I’ll pick up the kids Thursday morning, take Steven to the dentist, then go to a meeting of my own Thursday afternoon. And, I just remembered that there’s a baby shower this weekend! Hmmm…better consider some shopping!
Because visuals are fun...I looked up and saw this before church last night. Just chatting. Catching up. Looking forward to the new week. I love it!