Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Tuesday, November 29, 2016

In the great outdoors...a cloudy, cool morning. We got rain yesterday! Over two inches at our house! So very thankful. 

Within our four walls...morning preparations. And a cat insisting on being in my lap.

A heart of thanksgiving...for the rain, for God’s guidance and provision in so many ways

A heart of prayer...for Gatlinburg, TN. Wow. For the Choates as they push through another holiday season in their adopted culture.

Random observations...I was glancing through recent pictures and realized just how many are of our pets. Usually pets with children, but still. Steven with Cookie. Angie with Rose. And Smokey somewhere doing something. Frequently sitting in the most inconvenient location possible, such as in our laps or on top of our beds right at bedtime or on a computer desk chair right around work time.

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They say that those with pets are healthier. Often I disagree, because one of these animal is going to kill me one day. But, then I see them doing something really cute and sweet – and I see how much my kids love them – and I am inclined to agree.

Awwww…isn’t that precious?

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My silly children...are all so very different. So. Very. Different. I love seeing their personalities grow and mature, with their different talents, strengths, and interests growing in the process.

Thoughts from the kitchen...we have a big tub of leftover rice, so several meals this week will include rice. Today, I believe, will be General Tso’s chicken.

On my bookshelf...close to finishing The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan. Excellent book. I’m a little slack on the fiction right now. I honestly forgot about getting back to Sense & Sensibility. Our new, highly anticipated book The Shattered Vigil is still in hiding right now. Doug and I both know that we’ll have a very hard time putting it down once we get it started, so we’ve been trying to be diligent to push through some other things first. I’m thinking it’s about time to pull it out. Oh, I forgot! I did start a Librarians novel. Quick, easy, fun read that I can pick up here and there as I have a chance while I wait for a good stretch of time to read The Shattered Vigil.

I’m reading back through that paragraph and realizing that it sounds like I read a LOT. But, really, I’m super slow reading through things. I’ve just made a commitment to be constantly reading something, and it’s been a good thing for me.

Projects...I have a few homemade Christmas gifts on my “hope to get done” list. Not a lot. Just enough. 

Sounds of the moment...the washer running, Christmas music playing, and the neighbor’s dog wailing mournfully. Poor thing used to get a lot of attention. Not so much these days. He’s sounds so lonely.

From the Hibbard Academy...honestly? We’re just pushing through. Last week was good for us. And we look forward to Christmas break. Some things just have to be done. Right now, school is one of those things. Well, except for our Hermione. She thrives on school and is glad to be back at it this week.

The planner...It’s a surprisingly calm week, rather atypical for the week after Thanksgiving. This weekend we’ll have a couple of Christmas parties, but otherwise it’s nice and routine.

Because visuals are fun...Speaking of cat pictures, if you could only see the glare on that face. Never mind that she ASKED to go out. But, how dare we give in to her request?

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Hi Ann! Glad to see you back in the bloggy world :D Looks like you have your Christmas tree up! I'm waiting until I get through the Messiah concerts this weekend... then I can really "breathe" :D
Hi to all your family :D

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