Happy 11th, Steven!
This boy turns eleven today! I asked him where he wanted to do his birthday pictures, and he said, “With my dog.” So that’s what we did!
Cookie may not have quite gotten the memo about the plan!
They do love each other!! And God knew right when Steven would be able to care for the dog he has wanted for so long.
In addition to playing with Cookie, Steven still loves anything having to do with Legos or Star Wars or dogs or space or planes or….well, you get the picture. He’s a boy!
One thing this boy truly loves to do is serve. This morning, his sisters were going to take care of his chores for him as a birthday present. But knowing others are working while he is not is not a gift to him. He’d rather be doing! And he truly loves doing for others.
What he doesn’t love is attention for his service. He’d rather just be behind the scenes with no one noticing. It’s just hard not to notice because his service is so sweet and thoughtful. He truly observes others and their needs, just like his daddy.
This past summer he showed me just how much he’s grown in confidence, independence, and overall maturity through our summer camp experience. He stepped out and did things I never expected him to do! He also discovered an interest in guitar at camp, so it will be fun to see if this is something he really dives into. That’s why I love making little notes each year about new discoveries!
Over the past few days, Facebook memories have given me reminders of the little boy I used to have. Some days I miss the little snuggler who could easily curl up in my lap. Now we have to settle for sitting side by side on the couch while we read, play games, or work reasoning puzzles together.
But, I really, really love having a big boy. A pre-teen. A kid who is growing by leaps and bounds and will very possibly be taller than his mommy by this time next year! My little boy is in that awkward but still fun stage between big boy and young man. I’m sure he will experience many changes in the coming year, and I’m excited to get to walk through those changes with him.
Happy birthday, precious Steven! We love you!