Not Quite Ordinary Observations
Something about Today…Tuesday, August 8, 2017
It’s still pleasant! Not cool enough to open the windows and stay comfortable (thanks, humidity!), but delightful for August in Arkansas!
Something about the Week
This picture popped up in Doug’s Facebook memories today. This week eight years ago, we were visiting the Train Museum in Pine Bluff for a certain train enthusiast’s third birthday. We thought he was so big then!
Now we know better. He wasn’t big then. He was itty bitty. This week that not-so-itty-bitty boy turns eleven.
Something I Have Observed
When we find a true interest, it doesn’t matter that it’s hard to learn or invest in it. It’s worth it. I love watching that in my children.
Something I Have Read or Heard
You get Mark Buchanan again this week because that’s where I am! It’s one of those books I want to read very slowly.
“Winter is when we walk by faith, not sight. God is good, all the time, but winter is when that truth is a conviction we nurture, not an experience we savor. In winter, the goodness of God is our creed, true always, seen or unseen, recited regardless of present feelings. In summer, it’s our testimony, true because it’s obvious, and deeply felt. Summer is when we walk in the light – we can see, at every step, the God is good, and near, and for me. And it’s not that you take any of that for granted; you just don’t turn your nose up at it.
You bask in it.”
- Spiritual Rhythm
Something on My Mind
Schedule. I need to get a solid grasp on what my work hours will be – what parts of the day will be specifically devoted to work. Like with everything, that will have to be flexible. But the more I know what blocks are for school and work, the more I will be able to determine what non-school and non-work things will fit where. But first, I have to finish school prep!
Something I’m Thankful for
Flexibility. Again. Because we sure do need it!
Something about My Kids
They like routine just like I do. They enjoy free time and flexibility, but they have all been craving routine. And, this week shows how much they crave solid routine. We’re kind of in an in-between stage – not wide open and free, but not firmly into our school year routine yet. They are ready for next week when it will be more solid.
Something I’m Working on
Still school prep. Then I hope to actually get to that fun “what we’re doing this year” post. Because I always want to record such things, even if I don’t usually get around to writing the post. I get inspired every time I see my friend Julie’s school year posts!
Something from Hibbard Academy
A “soft” start this week. We were supposed to fully start yesterday. But, preparation takes a certain amount of time. And I didn’t have that amount of time before yesterday to be prepared. So, we started with a few subjects – the things like math for all three and literature for the girls that really need the full extent of the school year – and I’m finishing preparation of the rest this week. Hopefully.
Something That Makes Me Smile
My kids in their happy places.
Something Coming
Celebration of my sweet baby boy! Like the rest of his family, he’s not a big party animal, so we won’t be doing anything huge. But we’ll have fun!
Hurray for a "rolling start" to the school year :D We're doing the same... little by little, until school starts "for real" on the 23rd. You do such a fabulous job!