Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Tuesday, July 29, 2014
In the great outdoors...a beautiful, sunshiny day before rain is scheduled to come tomorrow. I’m going to stop marveling over the low temperatures and just express my love for this summer. I am beginning to understand how some people can love summer so much – summers like this truly are quite delightful!
Within our four walls...there is an effort to work our way into school mode. Chores getting done (or supposed to be) in a set amount of time. Routine being adhered to a little more strictly. Bedtime readjusted for school hours. Now if I can just finish the library organization.
A heart of thanksgiving...for an amazing husband – I don’t think I brag on him enough, but wow, am I ever blessed! For the comfortable summer and everything that impacts; for bosses who not only support my need to balance work and non-work life, but actually go out of their way to facilitate that balance; for the promise of rain and the presence of sunshine beforehand.
A heart of prayer...for my mom who hurt her back yesterday; for the Choates as they resettle into Honiara life; for so many friends getting ready to go back to school, both in and outside of the homeschool community; for many needs among family, friends, and coworkers.
Random children really are pretty awesome. I realize that more and more as they grow and their personalities, capabilities, and independence allows us as a family to accomplish so much. It’s a fun time.
My silly children...might be awesome, but they are still kids, through and through. I have no idea what they were playing yesterday, but it was a bit wild and crazy. The biggest blessing, though, is that I was able to close the library doors, focus on my meetings, and not worry that they were going to destroy something or hurt themselves severely. That happens sometimes, but for the most part they know how to be responsibly silly. That makes it fun.
Thoughts from the kitchen...Angela’s favorite today: quiche. And the need to menu plan for August. Unfortunately, the kids have no requests. Time to dig out the cookbooks for something new.
On my bookshelf...slowly reading Conspiracy for fun. I am typically NOT a thriller fan, but some time ago I agreed to read Peril (book one in the series) for review. Anyone who can combine espionage, NASCAR, faith, and homeschooling should get a fair hearing, right? Suzanne Hartmann is FUN, and I couldn’t wait for book two to come out!
Meanwhile, I’m determined to finish Tricia Goyer’s book Balanced. It’s so encouraging, especially for a WAHM who loves hearing the honesty of, “No, I don’t have it all together, but here’s how God succeeds through me anyway!” Okay, so those aren’t exactly her words, but that’s what I’m hearing. I love Tricia’s spirit.
Projects...finishing up birthday presents and school prep.
Sounds of the playing and keyboards tapping. It’s morning time!
From Hibbard Academy...preparations for the new year. Things are coming together. Yesterday we discussed schedule and an introduction to new curricula. Today I’ll set up Rosetta Stone, create checklist templates, and get started entering stuff into planners.
A favorite thing from last week...time with family.
The planner...home this week, except for a Doug-only meeting tonight. That’s nice. Next week will be somewhat out of pocket, then we’ll start school. So, an uneventful week is good.
Because visuals are fun...the girls went to sewing camp last week. Here’s what they came home with!
(a wall hanging, a notebook cover, and a mesh bag)