Not Quite Ordinary Observations...July 16, 2019

Observations about Today…Tuesday, July 16, 2019
It's a gloomy, rainy day, although we are definitely not getting the rain that our neighbors to the south have gotten from "Barry." Even here in Arkansas, the heavy mess has not yet pushed up to the central part of the state. We're praying for those receiving the deluge.

An Observation about the Week
It's our second full week of routine. We just had a break in the middle for PraiseWorks. Definitely a worthwhile break!

A General Observation
I love when we discover things about ourselves. Over the past week, two of my children have figured out a truth about themselves--something that, before clarified, was frustrating. Now that they've pinpointed what was causing the frustration, they are both ready and able to take actions that better fit who they have been created to be. I love that!

Something I Have Read or Heard
"Notice how similar the definition of liturgy is to the definition of habit. They're both something repeated over and over, which forms you; the only difference is that liturgy admits that it's an act of worship. Calling habits liturgies may seem odd, but we need language to emphasize the non-neutrality of our day-to-day routines. Our habits often obscure what we're really worshiping, but that doesn't mean we're not worshiping something. The question is, what are we worshiping?"
- Justin Whitmel Early from The Common Rule

Something on My Mind
School planning for the fall! My favorite time of year, but it's also one of those times when my mind is in overdrive trying to make sure I don't leave anything out. 

Something I’m Thankful for
Four weeks to breathe, catch up a bit, and enjoy life as a family before our family dynamics change.

Something about My Kids
I heard two guitars going yesterday and discovered that Steven was giving Olivia a guitar lesson. He commented that he was still learning, but both of them recognize two things:
1) Teaching what we know is the best way to reinforce it.
2) We don't have to only learn from experts. Sometimes all we need is someone a step ahead of us.

I do recognize that, sometimes, limited understanding can be much more dangerous than helpful in a teacher. But, there is also the reality that we should always be willing to share what we know with others, especially if we're humble enough to recognize that we still have much to learn ourselves.

Something I’m Working on
A routine that will be solid for the next few weeks, but will also morph into a good school-year routine. Trying to help the kids with the same thing.

Something from Hibbard Academy
It's really strange this year because I'm not having to do huge amounts of shopping!! So many of our books are reusable. And since I've taught all grades at this point, I only have to pick up consumables and little things that differ from child to child (such as photography and French for Angela or a slightly different approach to language arts for Steven). It's nice on the budget, but it's also a little sad, because we LOVE to explore new resources. Of course, it's also fun to have an automatic reason to reread old favorites.

Something That Makes Me Smile
While I was gone to PraiseWorks last week, I kept finding fun little cards scattered throughout my luggage. I love the way my amazing hubby is intentional in his love for me!

Something Coming
We're just going to focus on the routine for the next few weeks and not think too much yet about what's coming in mid-August.


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