Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, July 18
Outside my window...slightly milder temperatures under a beautiful partly cloudy sky; two peach trees growing wonderfully; a small decorative flag that needs to be changed from our early summer flag to a full-fledged summer flag (no, we don’t have an abundance of flags – just two each of summer and fall. Guess we need to get the other seasons, too!).
I am thinking...about school and timing and adjustments we will be making once swimming season ends.
I am thankful for...answered prayers; less hot days; visible results from greater exercise consistency and eating diligence; a van that is still running.
I am wearing...denim capris, black tank top, black sandals, hair in a braid.
I am creating...birthday presents for Angela.
I am remembering...fresh fruits and vegetables from Jordan. They tasted SOOOOOOO good!
I am have a busy day tomorrow, it seems!
I am reading...Stealing Jake by Pam Hillman and will hopefully get back to The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb this week. I need to get that one finished.
I am hoping... Steven’s allergies clear out of his eyes. He woke up with one swollen half shut this morning. Poor baby gets it from me. Fortunately, he hasn’t felt badly today, and his eye is looking much better!
I am hearing...the fan rattling and children playing in the foyer – the one place they can put on socks and “skate.”
I am praying...for rain, friends who are traveling and/or dealing with rough weeks, and my parents as they finish up their last month in Jordan.
From the learning rooms...George Washington Carver, building bridges and skyscrapers, heat and cold, using a calculator (Olivia), and finishing grade 2 math! (Angela).
Noticing that...I’m much more content when we are disciplined.
Pondering these words... When God walks away from the church and lets the multiplying sin take its course, that is the worst judgment of all; it will inevitably end in irretrievable disaster. But when God responds to sin with prompt severity, lessons are learned, and the church is spared a worse drift. ~ D.A. Carson from For the Love of God, vol 1 (Just a solid reminder that discipline is GOOD; oh, so good!)
From the kitchen...leftovers and peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. The latter were much more enjoyable!
Around the stuff from years past that has recently been resorted and now needs to be repacked for storage.
One of my favorite things...a day when much is accomplished while still feeling relaxed.
A few plans for the rest of the week...nothing out of the ordinary. Nice.
A picture worth sharing...this is how I found the kids one afternoon. I guess our bed is a good place to relax?