Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Tuesday, September 20, 2016
In the great outdoors...birdsong on another clear, summer day. Humidity’s down a bit. That’s nice.
Within our four walls...chore time!
A heart of thanksgiving...for God’s gifts of encouragement and prayer for one another.
A heart of prayer...for fellow ministry families
Random observations...autumn, according to the calendar, arrives in two days. I’m thinking about a road trip to go find a place where the calendar matches the actual weather.
My silly children...are apparently rather accident prone right now. I’m hearing about stubbed toes, trips on the stairs, dropping vacuum cleaner parts on feet, and sore knees.
Thoughts from the, what do you do when a recipe calls for one cup butter, 1/2 cup Karo syrup, and 2 cups brown sugar, yet your brain processes 2 cups syrup? You find something else to do with the butter/syrup mixture. Like peanut brittle. Yeah, that’s what Doug found and made. Yeah, it’s in our house. Yeah, I’m suffering from sugar overdose right now – I WILL resist today. But, it’s really yummy!
For lunch, though, we have something even better than peanut brittle – General Tso’s chicken bowls! It’s one of the more recent Oriental recipes we’ve encountered, and it’s a family favorite. My mouth is already watering.
On my bookshelf...nothing new this week. Making steady progress through God in My Everything, but I haven’t had as much time for fiction lately. That’s a flip-flop from normal!
Projects...getting caught up. I have a lot of writing to do right now.
Sounds of the moment...the vacuum cleaner and washing machine running. So thankful for both!
From Hibbard Academy...we’re staying caught up in school, but last week’s extra full work week put me behind on grading. Fortunately, the kids are of the age that they can help grade a good bit of their own work. Unfortunately, they are also of the age that they have more subjective assignments, like essays and discussion questions. Those are SO beneficial, but not as quick and easy to grade. And that’s what’s left for me to catch up on!
Meanwhile, Olivia and I are about ready to throw German prepositions out the window. Angie’s working through a sign language course, though, and I’d love to catch up with her and practice with her. Not sure where that will fit in, since I really have to keep up with the German to help Olivia, but sign language is something I’ve always wanted to learn.
A favorite thing from last week...Friday afternoon rest. Learning to truly make Sabbath rest a priority in our family routine and rhythm.
The planner...well, somehow we had a mix-up on our calendars, and we marked this Thursday as our highly anticipated trip to OBU for the annual pastor’s conference. But,we got our Thursdays mixed up! It’s next week! Fortunately, that still fits. And, that also means that we have a rather routine week. That’s good. We need one of those.
Because visuals are, what do YOU expect to see in a southern US barnyard petting zoo? Why, a llama, of course!