What We're Up To

We had a great field trip on Saturday to the Arkansas Post Museum. I intended to post pictures and details today, but it looks like I might not get a chance. Our A/C went out first thing this morning, so I'm trying as quickly as possible to get done what I must get done at home before the house heats up (forecasted high today through Wednesday is a nice, steady 103 before heat index). We'll be spending the hottest part of the day at church until it gets fixed.

We also have VBS this week! It started last night, and good things were said all around. I have the perfect job for me - the Teacher's Lounge! I help provide food and a "refuge" for the teachers and staff, so I get to do a lot of visiting. Yes, I've been told I have a cushy job, and I agree - it's not at all work! I had a great time last night! :-)

So, pictures and updates will come as we can get them to you!


Ruthanne said…
We went to Arkansas Post a couple of years ago. We did a year long study of Arkansas history. It was loads of fun! I got loan boxes from The Old State House and The Historic Arkansas Museum ~ they were fab!
Hi Ann,

Looks like you're all having a great summer :-) Sorry about the AC...

Thinking about your math post - a lot of games involve math. My boys love to play Monopoly. The book "Family Math" has lots of ideas, and it's been around awhile (so you can usually find it CHEAP.)

Stay cool...


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