Eleven Years

As of about 2:18 PM today, Doug and I will have been married eleven years.

Eleven amazing years.

My darling husband, I never would have even begun to imagine some of the things we've been through and experienced over the past eleven years.  I will confess that I might have been a bit terrified if I had known everything up front.  But, I would go through every last bit of it again to be with you.

I thank the Lord daily for you and for our life together.  He has used you to grow me in ways I never would have imagined.  I can't imagine a better father for our children or partner for myself.

Thank you for eleven years!  Thank you for loving me and walking with me through them all.  And thank you for going into yet another year with me. 

I love you!


Happy Anniversary, you two!
Luke Holzmann said…
Happy Anniversary!


I'm sure none of us really know what we're getting into, do we :0)

God bless your marriage,


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