Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today December 7, 2009

Outside my window...another gray Monday. Seems the norm for Mondays these days. But, it's broken up by sunshine throughout the week, so it's just fine with me!

I am thinking...about what needs to be done in the next hour or so.

I am thankful for...a fully functional stove and my wonderful hubby and a sweet man named James Edrington who fought with it for two hours this morning to get it fully functional!

I am wearing...jeans, ¾ sleeve green sweater, Christmas socks and brown clogs.

I am remembering...a memory my mom brought up earlier – playing Nertz and badminton with her. Ah, fun times!

I am pick up my hubby from work, then to Wal-Mart and the post office, then back to the church to meet my friend Paula who is coming to visit for a few days.

I am reading...Treasure of Stonewickby Michael Phillips and Judith Pella. Finally finishing a six book series started nearly two years ago!

I am hoping...the ickiness in my throat is not indicative of impending sickness.

On my mind...some friends in need of prayer.

From the learning rooms...sea creatures, Pilgrims and Puritans, poetry lessons from a couple of weeks, and a generally relaxed schedule that will probably last until after Christmas.

Noticing that...Steven is quiet for the moment, which is not a common occurrence for my active little three-year-old. (It is a good type of quiet – he's right here in the living room with me.)

Pondering these words...To be the joy-bearer and a joy-giver says everything, for in our life, if one is joyful, it means that one is faithfully living for God, and that nothing else counts; and if one gives joy to others one is doing God's work; with joy without and joy within, all is well...I can conceive no higher way.” Janet Erskine Stuart

From the kitchen...bread rising; hopefully peanut brittle and other holiday treats later in the week.

A sight that shows that Steven really does have some of my genes - he is very meticulous and organized.  Yep, he's my boy after all!  

And, finally, a shot of the front of our house!


Hi Ann,

I always enjoy your daybook :0)


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