Simple Woman
(Don't forget to click on the picture above and visit Peggy's site!)
For Today...Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Outside my window...Beautiful sunshine on an absolutely gorgeous spring day!
I am thinking...about upcoming school plans for the whole family.
I am thankful for...prayer support and an end in sight to Doug’s frequent jury duty summons (today should be his last day!).
I am wearing...jeans, a short sleeve brown pullover, sandals, and (amazingly for this time of year) a jacket!! I got so chilly earlier – in the middle of the afternoon, nonetheless – that I had to put on a jacket! That rarely happens in April for this hot-natured momma!
I am creating...a split slip for the summer months.
I am remembering...the fun of the morning – actually getting to see the shuttle's trail in the sky as it flew over Arkansas, hearing the sonic booms, and then watching the actual landing on tv.
I am get started on some active school planning for the fall. Soon, very, very soon.
I am reading...Friendship for Grownups by Lisa Whelchel.
I am hearing...the kids playing happily in the back; their music playing (sounds like Veggies), and the beautiful music of my wind chimes floating in through the open windows.
On my mind...the prayer needs of quite a few friends facing various challenges, both long-term and short-term.
From the learning rooms...the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis & Clark & Sacajawea; growing beans and corn; lines & line segments.
Noticing that...God sends little confirmations just when we need them.
From the kitchen...a great need for menu planning. A very great need!
Around the house...a bit behind on laundry. Otherwise, fresh air from being able to open windows!
One of my favorite things...the whole family sharing in a common excitement.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Gideon's pastor appreciation dinner Thursday night and a trip to Monroe on Saturday. Otherwise, not much – and I like it that way.
A picture worth sharing...the kids huddled around the computer, tracking the shuttle’s progress this morning so we would know when to go outside and look for it.
And we've been studying Lewis and Clark, and Sacajawea too :D