Necktie Pattern
As I said on Tuesday, I am one of those crazy, cruel mothers who likes to see her little boy in ties for church. Not every week, but for special occasions and some days just because. The problem is, Steven is outgrowing his clip ties and ties are just too expensive to buy, especially for little boys!
So, I did what I typically do when I either can’t find or afford something – I try to figure out how to make it. I found something online to give me a general idea and then I created my own pattern. Since I know there’s at least one other cruel mother like me out there, I thought I’d share the pattern!
Keep in mind, this pattern probably seems long and complicated because I believe in giving as many details as possible in my instructions. But, it's really an extremely quick and easy project!
light or medium weight fabric
matching thread
fusible interfacing
sewing needle
sewing machine (optional)
There are two options when it comes to measurements. Either way, my recommendation is to take butcher paper or newsprint and make a pattern once you get your first tie completely cut out. If the size isn't just right the first time, you can always make a new pattern.
So, I did what I typically do when I either can’t find or afford something – I try to figure out how to make it. I found something online to give me a general idea and then I created my own pattern. Since I know there’s at least one other cruel mother like me out there, I thought I’d share the pattern!
Keep in mind, this pattern probably seems long and complicated because I believe in giving as many details as possible in my instructions. But, it's really an extremely quick and easy project!
light or medium weight fabric
matching thread
fusible interfacing
sewing needle
sewing machine (optional)
There are two options when it comes to measurements. Either way, my recommendation is to take butcher paper or newsprint and make a pattern once you get your first tie completely cut out. If the size isn't just right the first time, you can always make a new pattern.
- If you have a tie of the right size, measure it's length from point to point and add 3 inches. Measure it's width at the widest point, double that measurement, and add ½ inch.
- To start from scratch on measurements, use these general guidelines:
- For youth and adult ties, start with an 8-inch width. For children (starting with preschool age), start with a 5 ½ – 6 inch width.
- Length:
- Measure around the neck with a button-down shirt on.
- Measure tie length from neck to belt buckle.
- Determine desired length of “tail” (a longer tail allows for grow room for a child)
- Add these three measurements together and add 13 inches to the total.
- Once you have these width and length measurements, cut a rectangle of this length and width.
- Fold the rectangle in half, right sides together. Starting 3” from each end on the unfolded edge, cut at an angle down toward the fold, ending in a point at the fold.
- Beginning at the outside corner of one end of the rectangle, begin cutting inward at a very gradual angle to form the wide end of the tie. The angled portion of the tie needs to be the neck-to-waist length plus about 2 ½ – 3 inches (for example, if your neck-to-waist length is 12 ½ inches, you want your angle to run around 15 inches). For a child's tie, you want the narrow end to be of the folded material to be 1 – 1 ½ inches wide (2-3 inches unfolded). For an adult tie, keep it closer to 2 inches.
- Once the tie is cut, use it as a pattern to cut the interfacing.
OR for a lighter, more flexible tie, see alternative notes under step # 7, option 2** - Fuse the interfacing to the wrong side of the material according to manufacturer's directions
- Press one side of the wide angle upward in a ½ inch seam.
- Repeat with other side. Stitch the seam, using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Repeat with the narrow end.
- Repeat step five on each end of the tie, but this time do not stitch.
- At this point you have two options if you fused the interfacing to the entire tie. If you want the more lightweight tie, you must follow the second set of directions unless you already have a narrow interfacing pattern created.
- Option 1:
- Fold the tie in half, right sides together.
- Stitch down the entire length of the tie, using a ¼ inch seam and leaving ends open.
- Turn tie right side out and press flat, with the seam centered in the back of the tie.
- Hand stitch to secure the corners on each end if desired. (Sorry, no pictures of this option because I prefer option #2.)
- Option 2:
- Press down a ¼ inch hem along the full length of both sides of the tie.
- Fold each side in to the center and press.
- **For the lightweight interfacing option, take the tie at this point and use it as a pattern to cut out the interfacing. Unfold the tie all the way. Place the interfacing against the stitched hems on each end of the tie, allowing the length to run down the center of the tie.
Fuse according to the manufacturer's directions and then refold the tie (you'll probably need to repeat the pressing). I made a butcher-paper pattern for the interfacing at this point so I wouldn't have to double-fold and double-press the tie.
- Hand stitch the two edges of the folds together down the length of the tie to secure it. If desired, hand stitch the corners on each end as well.
- Press down a ¼ inch hem along the full length of both sides of the tie.
- Option 1: