Thanksgiving, Takes 2 & 3
Thursday was just our immediate family celebrating Thanksgiving together. We seriously considered taking up a couple of different families on their offer to come out and join them for Thanksgiving dinner. But, since we were going to have our big gathering on Saturday, we decided to be just us Thanksgiving Day.
And it was nice.
Everyone pitched in on dinner. Doug was the master chef of our Cornish game hens, wild rice, and vegetable medley.
I put the kids to work on crushing graham crackers for a crust…
…while I mixed up a cheese cake.
It was a precious day of being together, sharing with one another, and discussing thankfulness.
Then on Saturday, the clan arrived! Doug’s parents, his sister Stephannie, and her daughter Morgan showed up around noon to join in celebrating.
We even had the infamous kids table – something we normally don’t have for Thanksgiving dinner because Doug’s parents have a table big enough for all of us. Both having all of us together and having the kids table are fun in their own ways. The kids definitely enjoyed themselves!
We worked off our big dinner with a little stroll through town, the girls each carrying their parasols. Silly gals! (And I somehow managed to miss Stephannie in every single picture! I will take note for next time! Heehee!)
Steph and Morgan headed on home while the rest of us crashed with books or in front of the traditional Thanksgiving Battle of the Boot between Arkansas and Louisiana. May I just take a brief moment to celebrate once again with a small WOO PIG SOUIEE! Thank you for indulging me.
Lots to be thankful for, without a doubt, topped off with a fun weekend for all.