Help Hugo & Friends Get Around the World!
So, I had great intentions for blog posts this week. Lots of posts kicking around in my head. You see how many of them actually made it out of my head! So, there’s always next week…
In the meantime, I have a quick favor. Will you check out the project my friend Garth is trying to put together and help get the word out? I won’t gab a lot about it – I’ll just send you straight to the source.
Kickstarter Project: Hugo & Friends Around the World
This has been a long-time dream of Garth’s, and I can guarantee he has the talent to back it up. Will you pray with me for Garth as he tries to put this project together? Will you help share the word? And, if you think this is a project you want to help support financially, I’m sure he won’t mind!
(A little sneak peak)