Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Monday, April 23, 2012

Outside my window...spring! Real, perfect spring! Highs in the 60’s, sometimes just pushing into the 70’s. Lows in the 40’s. Perfect sunshine mixed with just-right rains. Such a blessing after the humid 80’s and 90’s of March made us think summer was already here.

I am thinking...that there must come a time when I don’t have to remind my children of every little thing. Please tell me that’s coming. If it’s not, just don’t say anything and let me continue with my delusion.

I am thankful for...Doug’s safe trip to Little Rock in the wee hours of the morning; the cool weather; a warm beverage to sip on during my morning quiet time; secure children; children who typically enjoy being together; full bookshelves; opportunities for fun…

I am wearing...jeans – yes, full-length jeans, not capris! YAY! – and a pink 3/4 sleeve button-down shirt

I am creating...yeah…should I just take this one out for now? But, I must say that the opportunities for writing that I am enjoying right now are a worth-while reason for the sewing to be a little harder to accomplish.

I am with much smaller kids. My home is so different with no preschoolers. I loved having little ones, but this phase of life is fun, too.

I am get the mountains of laundry tackled today, just in time to create a new mountain.

I am reading...Need You Now by Beth Wiseman

I am hoping...the toe I stumped twice yesterday that is now all bruised and swollen heals very quickly.

I am hearing...silence. I think the kids are doing their morning Bible reading.

On my members in the hospital, one with pneumonia, one for an out-patient procedure, and one having major surgery. Everyone else, you must stay healthy!

From the learning rooms...Angie & Steven: houses and homes throughout the world and throughout history; the water cycle; Charlotte’s Web; Olivia: Australia; readers & read-alouds about Pacific islands; the digestive system.

Noticing children really are learning to love learning. If I were to never teach the girls another thing, I think they’d keep going just beautifully because they just can’t help but be drawn to learning. That makes it all worthwhile – and motivates me to keep right on teaching them!

Pondering these words... “Not knowing what the future holds can be frightening, but the truth is even without cancer in the picture we wouldn’t know what awaits us.  None of us do.  Any moment could be the last moment you have with your perfectly healthy child.” Words from this HEF blog post by Rebecca. Oh, how many days pass when I am not specifically thankful for my healthy, vibrant children!

From the kitchen...a clean-out-the-refrigerator day. There’s no telling what lunch will be!

Around the windows.

A favorite thing from last week...that love for learning I mentioned earlier. Last week, Angie was assigned a short research project. She dove in with gusto and the very first draft of the resulting report was fantastic! Meanwhile, Olivia has research “Adventures” due every couple of weeks, and she is so enthusiastic about them. Whenever I tell her it’s time to pick a new one, she gets so excited!

A few plans for the rest of the week...cramming five days of Hibbard home life into three, spring zoo trip with friends, kids to Nanny & Papaw’s for a few days, and a Weekend to Remember marriage retreat for Doug and me!

A picture worth sharing...Asterix – a family favorite. The serious look on Olivia’s face belies the cackles that frequently erupt when these books are pulled out!

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Hurray for a happy household :D

Your weather sounds just like ours today!

Choate Family said…
Oh, our kids love Asterix, too!

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