Well, Steven has survived the week! He just has a little while until bedtime, and then tomorrow morning we will head to the girls’ big performance first thing in the morning. He’s decided it’s not all bad being an only child…but he’s still ready for them to be home!
And now on to much more exciting things. My baby boy was baptized Sunday morning! What a treasure to have watched Doug baptize all three of our children. This time, both sets of grandparents were able to be here for the joyous event!
Aren’t they handsome?
Waiting for it to be time to go! The water was cold, by the way! He did just fine with it, though.
I think there was a big grin on his face the whole time. Olivia videoed it from the sanctuary, so I look forward to going back and watching that to see him from the front!
So proud of my big boy!!
Congrats to Steven :D