Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, July 15, 2013
In the great outdoors...taunting clouds. We even had thunder yesterday, but only a few sprinkles. Some friends who live just a couple of miles west of us got half an inch of rain. We are all praying for a couple of days of slow, steady, soaking rain. So desperately needed!
Within our four walls...laundry needing to be folded, a tidied living room (thanks, kids!), and a clean kitchen. Ah, nice!
A heart of thanksgiving...for a FULL Sunday school class yesterday! Wow! It was wonderful! Our friend who had knee surgery last Wednesday even made it, which I believe would be another reason for praise and thanksgiving. And, despite our lack of rain here, some of the farms in the area did get the rain that fell yesterday.
A heart of prayer...rain, rain, rain.
Also, my heart is really heavy today for the number of people who seem to be allowing struggles to pull them away from their church families and a steadfast relationship with the Lord. It seems to be happening everywhere, and it breaks my heart!
Random desk is a mess. I’m sure you wanted to know that.
My silly children...have come in to show me the tool “tattoos” they have put on their hands today. Meanwhile, there is a good deal of screeching coming from the bedrooms. I’m not sure I want to know. No, I take that back – I’m sure I DON’T want to know!
Thoughts from the kitchen...chicken pot pie is on the agenda for today. I think I’m going to make them mini pies. That sounds like fun.
On my bookshelf...this arrived this week.
It belongs in the speculative fiction category, and it is so incredibly intricate! I never have really considered myself a fan of that genre, but when the quality is this good, I can’t help but start to enjoy it more. Doug and I both reviewed book one in the series on our personal blogs, and we were so captivated that we determined we’d get the rest of the series whether it came up for review or not! This one did come up for review, and Doug managed to snag it. He was able to squeeze it in over the weekend. I hope to get to it very soon!
Projects...helping the kids gather up what they need for birthday projects. They’re even getting started on Christmas stuff. And get this – they are doing a lot of it all by themselves! Oh what a wonderful delight! Words cannot express how greatly that frees me up to tackle my own projects. YAY!
Sounds of the screeching. Just calm chatter. At least I’m hearing something. Keeps me from worrying!
From Hibbard Academy...still haven’t gotten those books on the shelf yet. But, I have glanced through Olivia’s core and evaluated how a few of our supplemental books are going to work into the whole system. I’m excited about the new year!
A favorite thing from last week...last week was such a blur! Where did it go? But, the chance to have it run by in a blur while spending pretty much all of it at home was a blessing!
The planner...a busy week ahead! Editing and a meeting today. Hair cut tomorrow. Dr’s appt and taking kids to my parents’ on Wednesday. Thursday will be a day to hammer down and work as hard as possible. Friday and Saturday will be a mini homeschool conference in Little Rock and then going to pick up the kids from Judsonia. Hmmm…I think the week is already gone!
Because visuals are fun...last week’s wonderful blessing (that should go on my thankful list!!!).
And my big helpers as we worked hard to put it all up!