Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, August 12, 2013
In the great outdoors...wet ground! We just got a delightful, late afternoon t-storm! Thank You, Lord!
Within our four walls...much quiet. Steven and I are the only ones home right now. The girls are bowling and Doug is at a meeting.
Okay, nix the quiet. Steven has decided to start reading knock-knock jokes from his Highlights magazine. Oh joy.
A heart of thanksgiving...for the rain.
A heart of mom as she travels to Jordan for a couple of weeks; for Dad as he’s home without her; for several church and work related projects.
Random observations...I don’t like knock-knock jokes.
My silly children...have been especially energetic and creative today. Apparently they have been acting out The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Angela plays most of the characters, and has even come up with minor costume variations so the other two know which character she is at any given time.
Thoughts from the kitchen...not much excitement. Leftover birthday cake.
On my bookshelf...the third book in the YA series I’ve been working through as well as another novel for me entitled Pastor’s Wives. Hmmm…I wonder why the review team thought I should be the one to read that one!
I did thoroughly enjoy last week’s novel, Grave Consequences. Even better than the first in the Grand Tour series. Except that now I don’t want to wait for book three!
Projects...mostly work-related stuff this week.
Sounds of the more knock-knocks. He apparently found a story he likes instead.
From Hibbard Academy...Islam and “inside the earth” for Steven and Angie. More early civilizations and evolution for Olivia. Oh, and she learned about base 2 today and loved it!
A favorite thing from last week...celebrating my brand new seven-year-old. Pictures coming!
The planner...light this week, at least as far as outside obligations are concerned. A couple of meetings, work, and school. It’s so nice to catch our breath this month! I think I just might start to get caught up on a few things!
Because visuals are fun...Doug’s version of pancakes, eggs, and bacon, all layered together and sprinkled with just a touch of powdered sugar. Yum, yum!