Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, August 26, 2013
In the great outdoors...summer has arrived right about the time harvest is getting ready to start! It’s really a beautiful day. White, fluffy clouds and moderate, but not unbearable, humidity.
Within our four walls...a new view. I’m in Doug’s office right now. We needed a day of his company. We usually only move school to the church on Wednesdays, but this week we decided to come today as well.
A heart of thanksgiving...for flexibility...and for Mom’s safe return from Jordan.
A heart of prayer...for harvest. After praying for rain all summer, we now need it to stay dry for a while. Praying for equipment to function properly and yield to be wonderful!
Random observations...I’m wearing my chocolate shirt today. It’s brown and has the theobromine molecule on it. You know, the “happy” part of chocolate!
My silly children...have discovered that nerfs can be shot from the marshmallow gun.
Thoughts from the kitchen...spaghetti today. This evening I’m going to turn some chicken breasts into parmesan chicken cordon bleu to have on hand.
On my bookshelf...finally getting to read Hero’s Lot. Just for fun! Oh my goodness – this fiction series is challenging to read, but oh so good. Doug and I both reviewed book one (here’s my review). Then Doug got book two for review (here’s that review). He’s been waiting as patiently as possible for me to find an opportunity to read it so we can talk about it!! I think I’m going to plan my work schedule such that I am ahead when book three comes out in February!!
Projects...Angie’s birthday present; Christmas projects; and I might even get to make a couple of things on my own list!
Sounds of the moment...Steven playing with a mega nerf gun.
From Hibbard Academy...Vikings, birds, Hittites, and evolution. Ginger Pye has just been kidnapped, and we finally got Ranofer to his happy conclusion in The Golden Goblet.
A favorite thing from last week...watching four – yes FOUR! – bald eagles circle Almyra while we were swimming. Such gorgeous birds!
The, review team meeting tomorrow night, trip to Little Rock on Thursday – sans children! They are thrilled to get to spend the day with JoJo.
Because visuals are fun...we have these strange bugs that appear in our house every sheet-changing day. Fortunately, Doug squished them all soundly when they showed up on Saturday.