Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Monday, February 3, 2014

In the great outdoors...a week of wintry weather. We didn’t have much more than frozen puddles from this most recent band, but we’ll see how the rest of the week goes. Yes, my dear northern friends, I am crazy. But I still wish we could enjoy some snow with the cold. It’s a little sad to have consistent weather in the 20’s and 30’s in the south and have no snow to show for it.

Within our four walls...I’ve been working in front of the fireplace today. So very nice.

A heart of thanksgiving...I’m going to sound like a broken record on this one, but I’m so incredibly thankful for the chance to work for Home Educating Family, for my co-workers, and for the technology that allows us to truly interact and get to know each other. I work with some absolutely amazing ladies, and they have encouraged, strengthened, and challenged me in more ways than I can begin to express. I’m still in awe that God literally dropped this job in my lap!

A heart of prayer...for so, so many needs. Salvations. Health issues. Time management choices. Wisdom for decisions. Friends with ministry issues. People who have turned their backs on God. Friends traveling. Job and financial provision needs.

Random observations...the girls and I had so much fun tonight while Doug and Steven were off at Boy Scouts. We sat down with their American Heritage Girls guide, looking at some badge progress.

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They have already chosen some badges they want to earn, but we went through tonight and looked at a few others. We were amazed to see how many badge requirements they have fulfilled just through the natural course of what we’ve been accomplishing and learning as a family in the months since we officially became part of AHG. They are just one or two simple requirements away from earning two badges - Family Helper and Sewing. Talk about motivation!

My silly son...stood behind me this afternoon as I was finishing up a work meeting with the other department heads. He was making faces and leaning back and forth, trying to make my co-workers laugh. Every time I tried to turn around and bop him, he would dip to the other side, just out of reach. Then he’d start all over again. The funniest part? My co-workers didn’t miss a beat. They’re all mamas of goofy boys, too!!

Thoughts from the kitchen...the menu plan has made such a difference over the past couple of weeks. Why don’t I discipline myself to always keep one up? Why oh why? Meanwhile, I ran across a recipe yesterday for a mushroom ravioli soup that looks absolutely delightful! We’re thinking of putting tortellini and very thin beef slivers in it instead of the beef-filled ravioli. My mouth waters just thinking about it! That will be a supper one night this week - maybe date night, if we wait that long!

On my bookshelf...Seekers of the Lost Boy. It’s written by a South African homeschool mom. I usually read YA fiction just because I love my kids and want to find new series/authors that I feel comfortable handing to them. But, this one has taken me off guard. I love it for so many reasons! I won’t list them all here, but I’ll link my HEDUA review when it’s published. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for more books by that author.

Projects...well, I gave up on the bolero and pulled out all of the stitches last night. The yarn just wasn’t right for it. Not sure what I’ll do next. Need to start thinking through birthday gifts for this year so they don’t sneak up on me!

Sounds of the moment...tap…tap…tap…crackle…crackle…hiss…hisss (keyboards, fire, and humidifier) - oh, and a little music in the background. “Changed” by Rascal Flatts is the current tune.

From Hibbard Did we do school today? Seems so long ago. Mondays are rather long. School in the morning, meetings all afternoon, Scouts/AHG in the evening. All that comes to mind right now regarding school today is that I grabbed a new read-aloud from the bookshelf only to promptly lose it. I didn’t find it until we had finished school for the was in my sewing cabinet where I left it when grabbing something out of there.

A favorite thing from last week...winning playing a game of Settlers of Catan with the family!

The planner...Bernina club on Thursday, if I make it! I’ve ended up intending to go but not making it to the last two. Then on Friday I have a project-related writer’s conference in Little Rock…again, if I make it. We’ll see what the weather does!

Because visuals are fun...Angie went out to sweep the garage this afternoon. It was cold, but she didn’t want to change out of her antebellum dress. So, what did she do? She pulled flannel pants and boots on under the dress and topped off the outfit with her kitty hat, pink gloves, colorful scarf, and warm coat. She’s such a cute little mess!

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