Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Monday, February 2, 2015

In the great outdoors...cold and gloomy. I know the snow is a stress for those experiencing it up north right now. But, snow would cheer up the winter a bit for us down here in the south, serving as a break from the cold rain and wind.

Within our four walls...getting into a new week.

A heart of thanksgiving...a husband who prays and grows with me; friends; healthy children.

A heart of prayer...for the ability to write this week. I didn’t get writing time last week, and this morning I’m struggling to take ideas and form them into solid, communicable thoughts.

Also praying for several friends with sick loved ones.

My silly children...are not nearly as hyper this morning. That’s helpful to me.

Thoughts from the kitchen...February snuck up on me, so there’s no new menu plan. Fortunately, though, we double-cooked enough of our meals last month that we have more than a week’s worth of meals in the freezer. We just have to pull them out, stick the bags in the crock pot in the morning, and they’re warm by lunch. Yay for flex time to get the menu planning done!

On my bookshelf...Tricia Goyer’s The Promise Box is my current fiction read – an easy wind-down read. Still working through Answering Your Kids’ Toughest Questions and also hoping to start Crazy Love as part of a book study. Don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with that one, but I’m going to give it a try because I want to read it for myself. I’ve heard some rave about it and others respond with less excitement.

Projects...hoping to get a little more of the kitchen reorganization and purging done later this week. Had to put it on hold for a couple of weeks.

Sounds of the and quiet kids. I think they’re hoping their quietness will help stall the start of school. Haha!

From Hibbard Academy...a sudden realization that I did not get the planning done that I thought I did. In fact, I’m not even sure I have much of anything taken care of for Steven this week. Ugh! I’ve spent the morning unsuccessfully fighting through trying to write. Maybe I should have spent it making sure I had all of the school prep done! When we started school back in January, I was three weeks ahead on planning, with the intention of only progressing further and further. Yeah. That has not happened at all.

A favorite thing from last week...hearing about the goofy things Doug and the kids did while I was at a Bible study weekend with other ladies from my Sunday school class. Not that I was excited about missing their fun, but more that it’s always a delight to see how Doug and the kids enjoy each other. That’s precious to me.

The planner...normal week until Friday when I have a writer’s workshop for this year’s Dixie Jackson missions materials.

Because visuals are fun...spear and magic helmet, anyone? I love my crafty girl.

2015-01-31 16.19.00


February snuck up on me, too! Fortunately as the kids have gotten older, planning has gotten easier, too. Hurray for your freezer/crock-pot meals, though!

We've had no snow yet this year and the boys are pining for it! There's still time. Last year we had our biggest dump of snow in late February, and we can always drive up into the mountains for a snow-day if we don't get any here.


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