Happy Birthday, Angela!
Once again, we come to the end of our birthday season with the celebration of this delightful child.
This year she, like her brother and sister, chose to just have a family day for her birthday. But, true to character, she had no real plans. No specific desires. Just to be. I love how my children like to just be with the family!
As you can see, the cow love has not diminished. Fortunately, last year’s cow dress still fits. It’s a good thing, because she wears it all the time, year-round! In the winter, she just puts a shirt underneath it and replaces the sandals with boots.
Angela’s new love this year is quilting. She sat down a couple of months ago to help me sort fabric, and in the process she discovered a stack of small Christmas fabric pieces. She immediately started brainstorming a quilt. I asked Mom if she’d help Angie design and piece on, and we expected it to be a little by little process. She and Mom had it done, except for the trimming, in two days!
Not long after, Doug’s mom brought her a sewing machine. She pulls it out several times a week and sews on something – usually something quilt related.
See the little smirk on her face? This child has a bit of sass to her! She always has. She has quick responses and often leaves me speechless. She’s still smart as a whip, but has definitely matured in her ability to learn new things without feeling like she’s a failure for not knowing it in the first place.
This sweetie is growing up so beautifully, inside and out. I know she’s processing internally much more than we see externally. She’s quiet and thoughtful, and I know that much happens in her mind that the rest of us never see. But, she’s learning to handle it well.
Happy birthday, sweet Angela! I look forward to seeing what this year brings in your life!