Becoming Real Life Friends

Have you ever experienced that awkwardness of transition from communication via letters or e-mails to face-to-face interaction? I have. And, I wondered if we’d experience that last week when our long-time bloggy friend Julie came to visit – to become an in real life (IRL) friend. I should have known better. For years I’ve wished she was my next door neighbor. Now I wish it even more!

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Julie was able to bring her middle son Tate with her on this trip. I loved how he just merged right into the group without a second thought! These kids had FUN!

Day one was a relaxed day on Hibbard turf. Tate and Julie arrived pretty late Wednesday night, so we all slept in a bit, then just visited around the house all day.

Well, we visited. The kids fought. Boys downstairs…

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…against the girls upstairs. The long hallway made quite the awesome battle field.

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We enjoyed lunch together, and the kids enjoyed sharing funnies with one another while the grown-ups sat around and talked. And talked. And talked. Oh, how delightful it was to visit! 

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Day one ended with Julie and Tate heading back to Conway with the Choates (more bedrooms at their house!). But we were all ready for Day 2!


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