Prayer Walking
Earlier this month, our family hopped on the church bus with about twenty others from East End Baptist Church, joining somewhere around 1500 other Arkansas Baptists for a One-Day Mission Trip.
We all gathered at Arkadelphia High School for prayer and division into our various groups.
Doug and Steven headed off for a fishing derby, while the girls and I teamed up with these three lovely ladies for a day of prayer walking. (Chantelle in pink in the center and Kylie right behind her, between Angie & Livie, are members of our church. Carrye, on the right, was a sweet young lady from another church who joined our team for the day.)
We walked and prayed and walked and prayed some more. Up and down hill after hill after hill. Usually with these three young’uns well in the lead.
Around lunch time, we found a block party in our section of Arkadelphia, run by another team. (Other than the fishing derby, block parties, and prayer walking teams, there were evangelism teams, sports ministries, medical missions, and several other “stations” set up in Arkadelphia and three other towns.)
The girls, of course, couldn’t resist the cotton candy!!
After hours of walking and praying, we were all dead on our feet. But, this wonderful man came to our rescue!
Mr. Rick dropped us off and came to pick us up at our beck and call – and even treated the weary troop to ice cream and cold drinks on the way back!
The hills of Arkadelphia left us sore for several days afterwards, but it was a joy to walk and pray with these lovely ladies. May those prayers be even the smallest contribution to whatever work God is doing behind those doors and in the lives of that community!