Not Quite Ordinary Observations
Something about Today…Wednesday, December 7, 2016
It’s Pearl Harbor Day. The 75th anniversary.
Something about the Week
The fall-turning-into-winter feel seems to be hitting this week. Temperatures haven’t dropped dramatically (although they are supposed to in the next couple of days), but there’s that feel of chill now. The cloudiness probably has something to do with it, too!
Otherwise, it’s another strangely routine week. It has been nice for early December to be calm! I am thankful! I still have a good bit to do gift-wise to get ready for Christmas, but I feel much less harried than normal. Yes, I am definitely thankful.
Something I Have Observed
I get caught in ruts. I get tired of the ruts, but getting out of them takes time and energy, so I tend to stay put. If you’ve read my “Not Quite Ordinary Observations” posts for a while, you are probably noticing that I’m breaking out of one rut today! I look forward to playing with this post a bit in the coming months – and, yes, creating a new rut! Haha!
Something I Have Read or Heard
Actually, this week it’s going to be something I have seen. This video is beautiful to me. Some investors visited the village where our dear friends the Choates minister and are working on a Bible translation. They created a short video of the village. This drone view gives such a beautiful pictures of where our precious friends live. (Here’s the link just in case the video below doesn’t work:
Something on My Mind
Thoughts about things I want to write. But also about the need to buckle down and make myself write those things.
I’m a task-oriented person, and I often battle against doing things that will not have practical, purposeful results. Even my writing – something I love to do – tends to fit into that box. If I don’t know for certain people are going to read what I write (and my insecurity always assumes the negative), then I need another reason to write.
For this blog, it’s about remembering. An online scrapbook of sorts (because I enjoy that MUCH more than the paper scrapbooking!). On my other blog – Not Quite Ordinary – I write because it helps me process and keeps my writing skills up, making it easier to keep up with work writing. Both are productive reasons in my mind.
But some of my ideas don’t fit either spot. My insecurity and practicality and the feeling that I am robbing time from other more important things all keep me from writing just for the fun of it. I want to get past that.
Something I’m Thankful for
The rain we’ve gotten lately. The aforementioned peaceful start to December. The friendships that encourage me so greatly. My amazing family.
Something about My Kids
I love to hear their questions during daily Bible reading or after church on Sundays. One day this week, Steven’s question was, “When we get to heaven, will we still fear God?”
Something I’m Working on
Christmas surprises, when I have moments here and there to sneak them in! It’s hard with big kids who are observant and who are constantly in and out of the room where I work.
I’m also working on fundraiser ideas. Things we as a family can slip into normal life to create, offer, sell, whatever. We’re feeling more and more that the time might be finally right to grow our family, but no matter what avenue we pursue, there will be expenses that don’t fit into our budget. So, we’re praying through that.
Something from Hibbard Academy
It’s our last week before Christmas break! We were going to go one more week, but we have just felt the need so strongly this year for a longer, real break – not just one that gives us enough time to manage all of the immediate Christmas plans.
I was nervous about cutting off a week, because we have a pretty hard end date for school next summer, thanks to the fact that our summer calendar is already full! But, when I sat down yesterday to look at everything, I realized that my hard-working kids have been so diligent, and this extra week won’t hurt the schedule a bit! What a blessing AND confirmation!
Something to Make You Smile!
At least, it makes ME smile. Angie setting up the cow family for their annual Christmas picture.