A Great Weekend
Well, we had flu shots on Friday morning, a first for us - and a reaction to actually getting the flu as a family earlier this year. That was three weeks we did not want to repeat! So, we took the Drew County Health Dept up on their offer of free flu shots on Friday. We all felt a bit under the weather over the weekend, especially on Saturday, but we seem to be better now. Just building up that immunity!
Several fun things happened over the weekend. First of all, Steven moved up in life! He now has a real big boy bed! We only had four months in the toddler bed, but after praying about it, we felt it would be an okay transition. Our neighbors across the street were getting rid of a wooden bunk bed (the kind that separates into two twin beds), and they offered it to us. As we prayed about how to best utilize it, we decided that it would be great for Steven. We were afraid it was too much for him right now, but it was also too big to store. So, after about a month of having it leaned up against the wall in our school room, we finally assembled the bottom bunk for him on Friday. He was excited, although at naptime he was very unsure. Once he realized he could sleep well in it, he was sold. He looks so little in it, which I like - it makes me realize that he's still small even though he really looks so grown-up these days!
I do have pictures, but they are still on the camera which is somewhere in the house (possibly still in his room!). So, I'll post them soon.
The other thing happened on Saturday. Late Saturday morning we got a phone call in response to a free ad Doug had put in the paper. The lady calling wanted three male kittens!! Woo-hoo! One of the kittens, Vizzini, had been under the weather over the course of the week, but he seemed back to his normal self, so we were able to pass on all three males. It was hard to say goodbye to them, especially Vizzini and Wesley - our precious gray one. But, it was such a blessing. Doug was only home from delivering them for about 10 minutes before a car pulled into our driveway. One of our church members brought her sister by, and they left with Princess, our sweet long-haired girl. So, we are now left with Smokey and Wilhelmina, who are staying with us, and Valerie. It has been SOOOOOOO much calmer around here, and the food and litter are so much easier to keep up with! Thank you so much for your prayers, and please keep praying for a home for sweet Valerie!
We're starting this new week a little distracted - we've had two weeks of less structure, and today we are really getting back into normalcy full-force. Steven is in a loud phase, and we had to struggle a bit to focus in school. But, we're working on him and we're glad to be getting back to normal - at least for a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving week rolls around! At the moment, though, all is quiet. Steven is napping, Olivia is reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Angela is reading what remains of her KG reading curriculum. (After she read the totality of Green Eggs and Ham to me in under 10 minutes just for fun this afternoon, I decided it was probably time to progress to a first grade reading schedule for the rest of KG. We are so thankful for Sonlight, which has advanced reading programs for each grade level - we'll need it for first grade!) The kittens are resting quietly for once, and I'm going to get a few things done.
May your week be blessed!
Several fun things happened over the weekend. First of all, Steven moved up in life! He now has a real big boy bed! We only had four months in the toddler bed, but after praying about it, we felt it would be an okay transition. Our neighbors across the street were getting rid of a wooden bunk bed (the kind that separates into two twin beds), and they offered it to us. As we prayed about how to best utilize it, we decided that it would be great for Steven. We were afraid it was too much for him right now, but it was also too big to store. So, after about a month of having it leaned up against the wall in our school room, we finally assembled the bottom bunk for him on Friday. He was excited, although at naptime he was very unsure. Once he realized he could sleep well in it, he was sold. He looks so little in it, which I like - it makes me realize that he's still small even though he really looks so grown-up these days!
I do have pictures, but they are still on the camera which is somewhere in the house (possibly still in his room!). So, I'll post them soon.
The other thing happened on Saturday. Late Saturday morning we got a phone call in response to a free ad Doug had put in the paper. The lady calling wanted three male kittens!! Woo-hoo! One of the kittens, Vizzini, had been under the weather over the course of the week, but he seemed back to his normal self, so we were able to pass on all three males. It was hard to say goodbye to them, especially Vizzini and Wesley - our precious gray one. But, it was such a blessing. Doug was only home from delivering them for about 10 minutes before a car pulled into our driveway. One of our church members brought her sister by, and they left with Princess, our sweet long-haired girl. So, we are now left with Smokey and Wilhelmina, who are staying with us, and Valerie. It has been SOOOOOOO much calmer around here, and the food and litter are so much easier to keep up with! Thank you so much for your prayers, and please keep praying for a home for sweet Valerie!
We're starting this new week a little distracted - we've had two weeks of less structure, and today we are really getting back into normalcy full-force. Steven is in a loud phase, and we had to struggle a bit to focus in school. But, we're working on him and we're glad to be getting back to normal - at least for a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving week rolls around! At the moment, though, all is quiet. Steven is napping, Olivia is reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Angela is reading what remains of her KG reading curriculum. (After she read the totality of Green Eggs and Ham to me in under 10 minutes just for fun this afternoon, I decided it was probably time to progress to a first grade reading schedule for the rest of KG. We are so thankful for Sonlight, which has advanced reading programs for each grade level - we'll need it for first grade!) The kittens are resting quietly for once, and I'm going to get a few things done.
May your week be blessed!