Little Promises
I must admit that the Hibbard family is not happy with the election results. Not surprised, but also not happy. But, God is so faithful to grant us little reminders that He is the One in control, not the President or anyone else in this world. I love that! Finances have been one of the big concerns for those of us who haven't quite been on board with Obama's plans for the economy of this nation. I would be lying if I said that Doug and I didn't have financial concerns. But, last night God gave us a sweet little blessing - just a neat reminder that He not only will take care of our needs and commitments, but He will also take care of those seemingly insignificant things that make us laugh. For several years now we've subscribed to a service that sends several of our favorite comics to our inbox every day. It's not that much money - $10 a year, which is a lot cheaper than a newspaper subscription. Last night, though, we got an email stating that our account would be refunded for our current subscription. Some change in their administrative processes and web services allowed the comic subscription to be offered for free!
Some of you will probably say that such a thing is just a coincidence, or at least that it has nothing to do with promises of God's provision in our lives. But Doug and I would disagree. Nothing happens by accident. When it comes to serving our Savior, His hand is moving all around us. Whether or not we see, recognize, or acknowledge it is left up to us. Doug and I recognized it as His hand. His reminder. His encouragement. If He can do something as far-fetched as give us free comics to grant us a laugh in the mornings, I think He can take care of the bigger things weighing on our minds, both financial and otherwise.
So, are we disappointed? Yes. Are we uncertain? Yes again. Are we afraid? No. We don't know what it will be like to be Christians, conservatives, or homeschoolers in the coming years in the United States, but if God is for us, who can be against us? :-) I really, really like serving our God. And the comics are fun, too!
Some of you will probably say that such a thing is just a coincidence, or at least that it has nothing to do with promises of God's provision in our lives. But Doug and I would disagree. Nothing happens by accident. When it comes to serving our Savior, His hand is moving all around us. Whether or not we see, recognize, or acknowledge it is left up to us. Doug and I recognized it as His hand. His reminder. His encouragement. If He can do something as far-fetched as give us free comics to grant us a laugh in the mornings, I think He can take care of the bigger things weighing on our minds, both financial and otherwise.
So, are we disappointed? Yes. Are we uncertain? Yes again. Are we afraid? No. We don't know what it will be like to be Christians, conservatives, or homeschoolers in the coming years in the United States, but if God is for us, who can be against us? :-) I really, really like serving our God. And the comics are fun, too!