Home Again, Home Again

We are home! After a full six days on the road, we are back again. It was definitely a fun trip, and I look forward to sharing the details with you over the next few days.

I don't have the pictures of our trip uploaded yet (although I didn't take nearly as many as I expected I would!), but I figured I'd go ahead and start sharing tidbits of our trip with you. We enjoyed the wonderful excitement of making such a trip, the treasure of seeing friends, the experience of attending our very first SBC Annual Meeting, and the opportunity to see a few sights. And, as I get pictures uploaded I will share each of those experiences with you.

But, we also saw a few other blessings through this week that I wanted to share first.
  • About halfway between here and Louisville, our van turned over 180,000 miles. Running fully loaded down, A/C on full blast, and pushing through all sorts of terrain in the middle of a heat wave, the van didn't have a single problem. Well, I take that back - on Tuesday we had an indicator showing that the left headlight was out, but before we had to drive in the dark again it was working just fine! God just kept that van running beautifully the whole trip, and we are incredibly grateful.
  • The heat and humidity in Louisville were manageable! It's amazing what a few degrees can do - and it's especially amazing how mid-90's are so much less suffocating when the heat indices stay at or just below 100 instead of rising up closer to 110.
  • We got to run around barefoot in the hotel room! That might seem a bit silly, but it's something we miss here at the house - our wood flooring is buckled in many places, providing the perfect spots for pinching feet and stumping toes. So, no one is allowed to leave their bedroom barefoot. We thoroughly enjoyed being able to kick off our shoes and walk around in bare feet!
Pictures and stories coming, soon, including the kids' favorite things from the trip!


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