Catching Up–Mother’s Day
It had been a while since we’d made a trip to Monroe. So, after church on Mother’s Day we loaded up and headed down there for a quick visit.
The weather was beautiful, which delighted the children. They loved getting to play outside! They created hotel rooms inside bushes.
Olivia blew bubbles and Steven went “fishing” for them. These are some strong bubbles! We even found them resting, still intact, on rose bush thorns!
There were some great snuggles, too.
Angie was happy to do just about anything, as long as she was able to be a princess in the process!
Olivia had fun discovering a new toy called i-Gami. She made a centurion’s helmet and sword!
Hello Kitty had a great visit with Bo. I’m not sure he was too fond of the visitor, though.
Olivia accidentally left Bunny at home. She never goes a night without Bunny, so there were some tears! But, Grandma came to the rescue, digging out a slew of her stuffed hippos and a gator or two! I think it worked.
We had a great visit with Grandma and PopPop and are so glad to have had the chance to make a trip!