Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Monday, June 18, 2012

In the great outdoors...summer. I think we’ll be at the pool a good bit this week.

A heart of thanksgiving...for my amazing and talented husband, for the chance to visit my parents and brother yesterday, for self-motivated children.

A heart of prayer...for marriages and salvations. And I must say, there is no feeling quite like being able to take a name off the “salvation” list and move it to the “spiritual growth” list.

And on a slightly more material scale, I’m praying for Doug and his computers. Both the church computer and his personal one are having problems at the same time – usually it’s only one or the other, so he can keep working on one while he gets the other one back up to par. Having both “under the weather” makes it a little more difficult.

Thoughts from the is a nuisance. But, I like to eat, and I like to eat food that actually tastes good as opposed to the processed stuff that makes for quick meals. So, I will cook. Not sure what for today, but I will cook.

On my bookshelf...some fantasy and sci fi from Christian authors. Not my typical reading genre, but I did enjoy the youth fiction series I started with Olivia.

Projects...sewing is actually really and truly on the agenda for TODAY! By the end of the day, I hope to have at least some competence with my hemmer foot.

Sounds of the moment...pages rustling as Steven does school work on the floor beside me. He’s also making small, random noises. Nothing too disruptive, but apparently enough to help him concentrate!

Last week we learned...that Angela actually enjoys writing. Olivia has always been the one with the fantastic story ideas, but just this year I’ve noticed that Angela seems to have the patience and meticulous perseverance to actually get a complete story on paper without getting lost in the details. She’s come up with some great results to her writing assignments lately!

I also made the discovery that writing just might be the ideal way to teach Angela how to receive constructive criticism. She’s such a perfectionist that she feels that any criticism means she has failed. (Hmmmm…wonder where she gets that!) But, as we edited on a fairy tale news report she wrote last week, we talked about the editing process and the fact that even professional authors have to go deal with being edited. Now she has determined that she wants to write for fun and wants me to be her editor. *Big smile!*

A favorite thing from last week...our wonderful Saturday! It was so relaxing! We got a few things done, but mostly just were able to be low key and do whatever we felt like. It was so needed!

The planner...Olivia has sewing camp every morning this week, beginning tomorrow. That means no school, but I’ll still be doing school planning this week as I learn the new My Well Planned Day software. And I hope to get ahead on writing. Meanwhile, we’ll probably work in a long overdue library trip one morning and enjoy some swimming.

Because visuals are fun...he said he was sleepy and needed a nap. I think he might have outgrown the cradle just a bit.



Yep - just a bit big for that cradle!

Your kids are ALL growing and developing their minds and personalities. It's fun to "see" from afar!


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