I finally got the VBS pictures uploaded to the computer! (And I stole borrowed some from Facebook. (If you’re friends with me on Facebook, you can a whole lot more pictures that a friend uploaded.)
Here are the kids ready for night #1…
Steven with his class…
(Is this one not just so sweet?! I still need to find out who he’s hugging!)
Angela’s class with me as Rhoda (Doug and I did the Bible story room)…
…and Doug as a ship’s captain.
Prissy Angie
Olivia’s class…
Olivia & Josiah posing the “high-five” part of the motions from one of the songs.
Olivia managing the roll while waiting for everyone to arrive on night #2.
The girls with a friend.
We learned about Peter’s escape from prison, Paul’s shipwreck, Peter and John healing the lame beggar and preaching about Jesus, and the early church sharing together. Our largest attendance night was the night we did the Gospel presentation. I love that!!! And, even with all the wonderful rain and t-storms that hit during the week, we never once lost power! After last year’s power outage on family night, we were all praying this year would not be a repeat performance. A long, tiring week, to be sure, but definitely a good one!