Simple Woman
(Don't forget to click on the picture above and visit Peggy's site!)
For Today...Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Outside my window...Fall! Cool temperatures (only up to 71 today!) and the beginnings of falling leaves. Still very, very dry, though. Praying for rain!
I am thinking...about how to make independent work time work for Olivia. I need to not have to do it all with her, but it’s not working for me to leave it all up to her. Praying for a solution.
I am thankful for...a preschooler! It makes teaching the older two so much easier!
I am wearing...jeans, black short-sleeve top, hair down, feet bare.
I am organization in preparation for creating photo calendars.
I am remembering...
I am get fall clothes out soon. Hopefully before it really gets cold!
I am reading...still just the kids’ school stuff. Still need to remedy that.
I am hoping...for exciting news about a perfect offer on our house. Soon.
I am hearing...a ticking clock; the faint whir of the ceiling fan; the distant sound of Angie and Steven playing together on the other side of the house; the scratching of Olivia pencil against her paper.
On my mind...friends who also need their houses to sell.
From the learning rooms...South America; the Gold Rush; inventions; introduction to electricity.
Noticing that...Olivia and I frequently tend to be scatterbrained on the same days. Wondering what the common factor is – does one cause the other, or are both of us influenced by something else? Something to pray about.
From the was Parmesan Chicken Cordon Bleu, and it was a HUGE hit! Even picky, slow-eating Steven had his plate cleared and was asking for seconds before I was half-way done!
Around the house...fall decor, no AC running, sheepskin house shoes making their appearance.
One of my favorite things...fall!! (I’m sure I’ve never mentioned that before!)
A few plans for the rest of the free activities coming up! Friday night is opening night of a model train display at the Historic Arkansas Museum. Then Saturday morning is the air show at Little Rock Air Force Base in Jacksonville. Anyone want to join us?
A picture worth of the best ways to tease the kids is to take their stuffies and do funny things with them. Here’s Angela’s Cowabella ready for a BBQ!
And hoping for your house to sell...