Simple Woman
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For Today...Thursday, Oct 28, 2010
Outside my window...a perfect fall day! A blue sky thanks to the little bit of rain we got this week. A steady breeze blowing the freshly fallen leaves. Children playing happily in leaf piles. And coolness! It’s in the mid-60’s right now both inside and out, which means we are comfy in our fall clothes. Love it!
I am thinking...about how to balance my responsibilities here at home with needs outside my home. Not wanting to neglect either one, but realizing I can’t succeed in that without the Lord’s wisdom.
I am thankful for...the six (I think) men who accompanied Doug to Horn Lake today to work on the house. From what I hear, they’re really making it look great! What a blessing!
I am wearing...jeans, 3/4 sleeved turquoise top, hair down, bare feet (with chilly toes – love it!)
I am creating...the Christmas gifts I need to mail overseas and/or send with my dad when he goes back to Jordan in a few weeks.
I am remembering...what it was like to have babies around the house. It’s been a while.
I am get lots done this weekend before we resume school on Monday. Yes, I am. Seriously. Is that laughter I hear?
I am reading...Surprised by Worship by Travis Cottrell
I am hoping...the weather holds and the house sells.
I am hearing...the wind blowing through open windows. Steven humming as he looks for his puppy for naptime.
On my mind...A twitter status I recently read indicated that, because there are more people in Africa and Asia than North America, we should be more urgent about reaching the lost there than here. I don’t argue that urgency, but I can’t help but wonder why ministry to the individuals on those continents must be more urgent than the desperate young mother right here in my own town. The urgency for harvest is world-wide, but let’s not forget the individuals as we contemplate the masses. Sorry – a little soapbox. I’ll come down now.
From the learning rooms...the end of our two-week fall break.
Noticing that...Smokey the cat missed me. Every time I’ve sat down for any reason, she has curled up beside me – and she’s not even a very sociable or loving cat!
From the kitchen...the need to refocus after being out of pocket for a week.
Around the house...floors that desperately need to be vacuumed.
One of my favorite things...friends.
A few plans for the rest of the and recuperation, work on Christmas presents, school planning for next week, and church outreach activities Saturday and Sunday.
A picture worth sharing...Napoleon trying to cook our dinner without opening the cans. He has since been banished from the kitchen.
And I always have more on my list than I can ever accomplish... wishing you success on yours,