Thanksgiving with the Brownings
Last Saturday we celebrated Thanksgiving early with the Browning side of the family. Dad, joined by Ben, Ashley, and Abigail, will be leaving for Jordan this coming Saturday, so this was our chance to actually get as many of us as possible together to celebrate.
It was great fellowship all around, but naturally the biggest entertainment was sweet little Abigail. Have I mentioned before how cute that child is? She melts hearts in an instant! I don’t think any of us can get enough of her!
But, never fear – the other cousins got plenty of their own loving, as usual. There’s never any lack of that!
After a while, Steven got enough of the chaos and headed outside for some three-wheeler riding and open spaces. Just what the doctor ordered! (And yes, the tongue is necessary for important tasks such as pedaling! I love it!)
Thankful for another fun day with the Brownings, sadly minus Mom and DeAnn. We’re counting the days until next fall when everyone is together again!
PS If you’re friends with me on Facebook and are interested in more extended Browning shots, check the Browning Thanksgiving 2010 photo album.