
Back to our “vacation” trip…

We drove straight from Alli’s graduation to Monroe to spend a few days with Doug’s parents, arriving late Saturday evening. We spent Sunday and Monday just relaxing with Grandma and PopPop, each child finding their own favorite “Grandma & PopPop’s house” toys.

Sidewalk chalk (this is actually a stage, complete with seats in front and a little eating area to the left).

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Olivia loves these little magnetic animals that you can switch around to make hilarious new critters!

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And Angie, of course, likes anything dainty like dress-up clothes and this miniature tea set.

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Somehow I didn’t get any pictures of Steven playing, but he did join in on the sidewalk chalk some and enjoyed his many balls!

Meanwhile, Steven and Olivia got to help Grandma make deviled eggs for our Tuesday trip to Vicksburg.

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And then there was the handprint project. Back when Monroe 4the girls were much younger (2 & 4, I think), they did an activity with Grandma pressing their hands into cement and then decorating garden stones. Monroe 3There was one for each of my girls and for Morgan, but we just hadn’t gotten around to adding Steven to the mix yet. We’ve had his kit for some time, and this trip we pulled it out for him to make. He made a colorful pattern to go around the edges (he loves patterns!).

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Then he pressed his handprint into the wet cement and we put in his initials and the date.  Finally, he filled in all of the empty spaces with more colorful pieces.

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Quite the artistic achievement! He had lots of fun!

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All in all a nice, relaxing couple of days at Grandma & PopPop’s before our day trip to Vicksburg (post coming soon!) and return home.


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