Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, June 13, 2011
Outside my window...another bright, sunshiny day. A bit of a breeze is blowing the little peach trees in the front yard.
I am thinking...about discipleship and how bound up it is in a community mindset. It must be a daily thing, and we struggle with it because we’re not together on a daily basis anymore.
I am thankful for...flexibility; friendships; my amazing husband and the life God has given us together.
I am knit capris and the coolest, lightest-weight top I could find (a blue flowered cotton blouse)
I am creating...ideas for Angela’s birthday. I think Steven’s actually not going to get anything homemade this year, so I get to focus completely on sewing for Angie!
I am remembering...VBS as a child (brought on by a discussion after Rec Camp last night). That was back before the big themes and special music. We sang “The B-I-B-L-E.”
I am be productive this week. I have a long list. Wonder how much of it I’ll actually get accomplished.
I am reading...The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb by Melanie Benjamin – I know nothing about the author or the book, so this could be interesting.
I am hoping...the forecasted temperatures for today and tomorrow (98 and 97, plus whatever insane heat index we end up with) don’t hold up considering we have kids and adults who have to be outside for Rec Camp both nights. Thankfully, both nights will involve getting wet, so that will help!
I am hearing...the dishwasher (and realizing I need to be hearing the dryer, too), music from the next room, and faint sounds of the children playing somewhere in the house.
On my mind...some quiet-time related thoughts that have been mulling in my mind but haven’t formed anything concrete enough to articulate.
From the learning rooms...a week off because of this week’s schedule.
Noticing that...Steven needs a lot of interaction and structure. He’s so much happier when school is “in session.”
Pondering these words...Those who focus much on God have much for which to praise. Those whose vision is merely terrestrial or self-centered dry up inside like desiccated prunes. God is your praise! ~DA Carson in For the Love of God
From the noodles and duck; lasagna, pot pie, and other casseroles will be on the docket for the rest of the week, again thanks to our schedule and the need to go pick up Olivia each day right about the time I should be cooking lunch.
Around the house...chores awaiting my attention.
One of my favorite things...chocolate.
A few plans for the rest of the week...eye doctor appointments today for myself, Doug, and Olivia; kids sewing camp for Olivia Tuesday through Friday mornings; Rec Camp tonight and tomorrow night (started last night) with family night on Wednesday; a birthday party Saturday morning; getting Doug ready to be gone for classes next week.
Pictures worth sharing...almost five years ago. It’s so fun to see where my “babies” are now and I love every stage. But there are some days I want to go hug these little ones again, too. Oh the bittersweet delight of motherhood.
Cracking up, remembering my VBS days. I'll be singing "The B-I-B-L-E" the rest of the day ;D