Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Outside my window...a perfect morning: 60 degrees, sunshine, a light breeze through the open windows.

I am thinking...the familiar thought that I can truly enjoy and truly appreciate these beautifully cool days because I’ve experienced the nasty heat of summer – and all of the applications that go with that thought.

I am thankful for...the freedom of homeschooling and the chance for the kids to get to spend this week outside.

I am wearing...denim capris, a purple OBU polo, and slippers (yes, I’m chilly, but I don’t care!).

I am creating...nothing right now. I’m working through a week of other household projects, and then I’ll get back to creating. I think cloth napkins are next on the list, followed by Christmas presents.

I am remembering...that last week I said I was going to blog here more. That really happened, didn’t it? But, at least I got Angie’s dress and all her other birthday prep done while keeping the house in decent order and keeping up with school. So, I’ll start the more regular posting this week!

I am tackle a pretty big project list this week. I had been saying for a while that I would take the first cool week, cancel school, and tackle those projects. Well, here it is! So, here I go!

I am reading...George Washington Carver by John Perry

I am hoping...the gentle breeze sticks around all week so we can leave the windows open throughout the entire cool stretch.

I am hearing...birds, dogs, cars, the breeze through the trees – all of those wonderful outside noises that get blocked out when the windows have to be closed. Growing up, our windows came open in the spring and stayed opened until it just got too chilly. I miss that.

On my mind...the desire to focus and be diligent without ignoring my family this week.

From the learning rooms...a week off with the exception of a little science and trying out some review products.

Noticing that...a picture on the wall is crooked; the fluorescent lights are taking a little longer to brighten up in the coolness.

From the kitchen...I’m thinking salmon today, but I’m not sure. I don’t remember what’s on the menu!

Around the house...doors propped open so the wind won’t close them; curtains waving in the breeze.

One of my favorite things...fall.

A few plans for the rest of the week...sorting kids’ fall clothes (not to put in the drawers yet because this coolness is not here to stay -  just taking advantage of the opportunity so the permanent coolness doesn’t sneak up on me!); packing away school stuff not in use right now; getting ahead on writing; sorting August’s pictures; preparing to start on Christmas projects; etc.

A picture worth sharing...Mom and Dad brought Steven a belated birthday present – a Razorback piggy bank. When he opened it up, his face lit up and he said, “Everybody needs one of these!” He was so excited!



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