Zoo Fun & Lots of Pics!
Memorial Day Weekend marks the return of the butterfly exhibit to the Memphis Zoo. But, for members, the early "sneak peek" was this weekend! Fortunately, today was to be a beautiful day for an outing. So, we all loaded up bright and early this morning and arrived at the zoo shortly after the gates opened.
Olivia enjoying a pause in her tour.
A butterfly landed on Angie's dress while she sat on the rock. She was determined to be still enough for another one to visit her - she wanted a picture! Unfortunately, there was no repeat performance, so we'll just hold the picture in our memories.
Steven was quite fascinated with the "bu'erflies!"

We always love to watch the polar bears - we can't make a trip without going to tell them hello! This trip, though, they were especially playful and greatly enjoyed the children standing by the windows. They would take a deep breath and dive to the bottom of their pool to come and play.
This polar bear loved showing off for Olivia!
Angie and Steven watching the butterflies.

Beary silly girls!

We always love to watch the polar bears - we can't make a trip without going to tell them hello! This trip, though, they were especially playful and greatly enjoyed the children standing by the windows. They would take a deep breath and dive to the bottom of their pool to come and play.
Angie visiting with a polar bear.

We had learned about the African Jackass penguin, so named because of its braying. In all of our visits to the zoo, though, we'd never heard their sound. Today we did, and they were definitely appropriately named! Here's a brief sample...
Typically when we go to the zoo, the sea lions are either in the middle of a show or off doing something else. Today, though, they were available and very interactive. Olivia discovered that trainers aren't the only ones the sea lions do tricks for! This sea lion performed tricks over and over, I think in hopes of a treat!