Simple Woman

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For Today...Tuesday, June 20, 2010

Outside my window...plentiful sunshine, a nice breeze, laundry drying on the line, yet another wasp trying to make a nest on our back patio

I am thinking...about finishing up this school year.  Almost there.

I am thankful for...the peace of God.

I am wearing...coral skirt and sea green top; sandals; hair in a twist

I am creating...still working on that library inventory, a little bit at a time.

I am remembering...being nine years old and the thoughts and feelings that accompanied that age.  Hard to imagine my oldest is there now.  It looks so different from this side of life.

I am focus on the details of what needs to be done today instead of being overwhelmed by the big picture.

I am reading...The Edge of the Divine by Sandi Patty

I am hoping...the rest of the week is as productive as the first two days have been.

I am, A/C, quiet children

On my mind...our friends in the Solomon Islands.  Miss getting to keep in touch with them via email.

From the learning rooms...Robert Fulton, post War of 1812 American expansion and development; molecules and atoms

Noticing that...early afternoons are a very peaceful time at our house.

Pondering these words...”The peace of God is first and foremost peace with God; it is the state of affairs in which God, instead of being against us, is for us.” JI Packer

From the kitchen...chicken and bacon quiche.

Around the house...books awaiting inventory.  Books, books, and more books.  We are so blessed to have so many books!

One of my favorite things...children who can’t put a good book down.

A few plans for the rest of the week...preparation for VBS which starts Sunday evening.

A picture worth sharing...from our most recent visit with the great-grandparents100_7569


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