Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Monday, February 6, 2012

Outside my window...bright sunshine enticing the kids to go out and play. We might just have to get out the rain boots, cover up as much exposed skin as possible to ward off mosquitoes and buffalo gnats, and brave the mud!

I am thinking...about blowing off the whole day, retreating with a Tricia Goyer book or a few episodes of Doctor Who, and getting nothing accomplished. But, then I remind myself that we just have three more weeks until our break! So, here we go!

I am thankful for...magnesium vitamins. Olivia had her first migraine on Saturday – an ocular migraine, which is the worst kind I’ve ever experienced. I learned about four years ago that magnesium vitamins work for some people, so I tried them and they worked for me – one vitamin as soon as I recognized the symptoms. When Olivia started showing symptoms on Saturday, I gave her a magnesium vitamin. Within 45 minutes she was symptom free and sleeping off the exhaustion. So thankful it works for her too!!

I am sweat pants and a maroon top.

I am creating...our school needs list for the work we’ll be starting in April.

I am first ocular migraine when I was 12.

I am be productive today, whether I feel like it or not!

I am reading...The Seventeenth Swap (the girls’ reader right now) a Bible study on Acts for next week’s review, my 1 Peter study for tomorrow’s Joy of Writing blog post, and this week’s What Women Fear chapter for our weekly book study at church.

I am hoping...Doug learns a lot at his seminar today.

I am hearing...the kids playing. Which is odd because the girls are supposed to be doing independent school work.

On my mind...friends in the ministry and friends who are bucking against everything God has for them. Quite a contrast of prayer requests, and a very contrasting emotional response in my own heart as I pray for them.

From the learning rooms...astronomy and the history of space exploration. I love how Sonlight ties science and history together when possible without limiting the scope of either subject.

Noticing that...I never got back to reading The Seventeenth Swap yesterday afternoon. Got some catching up to do.

From the kitchen...the realization that the end of January snuck up on me and I have NO menu planning done for this week or month.

Around the house...sunshine lighting up the rooms. Nice.

One of my favorite hubby playing with the kids.

A few plans for the rest of the week...stuff at home and church through the week and then I’m going on a short women’s retreat with a few ladies from church this weekend.

A picture worth sharing...Angela and Abigail playing together on Saturday when we went to celebrate Mom’s 60th birthday. I forgot to take my camera, so this phone picture was the only one I got!



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