Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, February 27, 2012
Outside my absolutely gorgeous day. Bright sunshine, temps in the 60’s. Nice to enjoy before tomorrow’s forecasted storms.
I am thinking...about what to fix for lunch.
I am thankful for...children who love to play together. Hopefully they still will at the end of this month.
I am wearing...jeans and a RED shirt! No maroon this week!
I am creating...a schedule for the month.
I am see my middle sister tomorrow for the first time in four years .
I am determined to read...The Swiss Courier and Chasing Mona Lisa by Tricia Goyer this month.
I am hoping...the storms hold off until I get home tomorrow. I’d really rather not drive through the nastiness, especially on Arkansas back roads.
I am hearing...the kids playing happily with Legos, mixing multiple imaginary worlds in the process.
On my mind...the schedule. My goal is to create a schedule that allows me to keep up with writing, tackle the March list that has been growing since October, keep the kids as structured as possible while still allowing them to have their break, spend one-on-one time with each of the kids every week, and have a little opportunity to feel like I’ve had a break, too, through it all. Yep, easy stuff.
From the learning rooms...the beginning of our five-week break. We will still be doing Latin, I will have Steven read to me daily, and we’ll try to play games that keep their math brains turned on. Other than that, though, it’s going to be a real break.
Noticing that...I put things off that I am unsure about. And put them off and put them off some more. But, they’re rarely as difficult as I anticipate.
Pondering these words... “As a mother and educator, I’m glad to see that sarcastic skill developing in my daughter. Why? It shows mental, emotional, and language development.” ~Betsy Price from the Home Educating Family blog post “Sarcasm. Yeah, right!” I like this lady’s way of thinking!
From the kitchen...I have no idea. Bored with our current menu cycle. Time to revamp!
Around the house...tasks awaiting me in literally every room.
A favorite thing from last week...finishing Sonlight Core E!!!
A few plans for the rest of the Judsonia tomorrow. Bernina Club on Thursday. I think that’s about it.
A picture worth sharing...Angela in the red dress.