Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, February 20, 2012
Outside my window...a bright, sunshine filled, cloudless sky. It’s beautiful!
I am thinking...that I had in my head how I wanted to change these questions around, but I made the fatal mistake of not writing it down. Now it’s gone. Although, I think it was bedtime and I was half asleep when the “brilliant” ideas came to me, so they might not have been as awesome as I remember them being!
I am thankful for...the sunshine, a restful weekend, a mostly clean kitchen, a mostly conquered laundry pile (just today’s load of towels in the dryer!), my sweet helpful children, my amazing husband.
I am wearing...jeans, maroon top (why is that my Monday shirt?), a cream sweater because I’m uncharacteristically chilly today.
I am creating...a plan for my month “off.”
I am remembering...that I was supposed to have made Olivia a new gown by now. On the March list!
I am need to get my act together this afternoon. There are things I need to get accomplished, and I’m not moving very quickly!
I am reading...TJ and the Time Stumblers for review and Plain Girl so I know how to question the girls for reading comprehension – it’s their last reader for this core!
I am hoping...for a little energy kick this afternoon.
I am wafting in from another room; quiet – it’s Steven’s naptime, and Olivia and Angela must be reading or something.
From the learning rooms...finishing up. The girls have a little more to read about Canada, and we have a couple more pages about stars to read. I’m debating whether or not they will need to do a little math and language arts in March, but they’re going to get at least two full weeks completely off before I make any firm decision. Oh, and we’ve started Latin. We’re getting to try out Visual Latin – my review of it will be up on the Home Educating Family review site in June. We’ve just started, but we all really like it so far!
Noticing’s really quiet. Although I think I might be hearing Legos clinking together.
From the kitchen...chicken, mac-n-cheese, and peas. Steven was very happy.
Around the house...projects stacking up.
A favorite thing from last week...very few plans. It was nice.
A few plans for the rest of the week...lunch planning meeting with fellow preacher’s wives tomorrow, typical church activities and Bible studies for various family members Monday through Thursday nights, and otherwise not much!
A picture worth sharing...I just realized I didn’t dot the “I” or cross the “t” on the cake I made for Mom’s birthday celebration a couple of weekends ago. Oops! Glad she liked it anyway!
And I'm cracking up about you getting awesome ideas right before bed... that might or might not be as awesome as you thought. (Only laughing at MYSELF... same scenario!)