Something I Want to Remember

I love how Olivia’s brain works. Here’s what she came up with today…

Olivia: I was thinking this morning, and I discovered one situation where “um” would be an acceptable answer to a question.

Me: Oh, really?

Olivia: Yep. It’s the correct answer to the question, “What is the singular neuter nominative ending in Latin?”

(She then went on to describe a scenario.)

It would be funny if there was a Latin class with a new girl, and the teacher asked her, “What is the singular neuter nominative ending?”

The girl would look confused and say, “Um…”

And the teacher would respond, “Correct! Very good! Now, moving on…”

This tale was followed by a delighted cackle, accompanied by a hearty chuckle on my own part. Oh, and yet another silent “thank you” to the folks of Visual Latin.

Just for the record, I’m not one of these homeschoolers who dives into Latin from the get-go. In fact, I really had no plans to teach it. But, Doug and I were talking about how helpful it might be to learn some foundational Latin, and I started looking into Latin programs. About that time, I got an email stating that Visual Latin was up for review for Home Educating Family’s review site. Being on the review team, I snatched it up, and we have had so much fun! And yes, that’s even before taking into consideration the “um” scenarios my child makes up along the way!


Too funny!

Good job, Olivia!


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