Provided for Again!
Well, I ran out of time for that real post – about to have to get ready to take Angie to art class. So the second Air Show post (I need to get a few pieces of technical information right before I post that one!) and the Observations post will have to wait ‘til later.
But, I did get all of Angie’s fall clothes sorted! YAY! And that was after getting both Livie & Steven’s clothes done Saturday afternoon after tackling other tasks in the morning. I think that has to be record time. I have never gotten completely done in (essentially) one day. It usually takes me three or four days. I think I can get used to this big kid thing, considering how much of the work load they were able to bear this year.
And once again, God has provided so beautifully. You’d think I would stop being surprised. We do have a list of things we need to buy, but with all of the growth we’ve seen in all three of them this past year, I just knew that list would be huge. I’m so thankful!
Off to awaken Steven from his nap and head to Stuttgart…
Time to go through the boys' things, too. Don't think they'll be wearing shorts for quite awhile, now...